Wednesday, November 16, 2005

If Babies Can Do It, So Can YOU!

Focus On What You Want And It Will Become Reality

Just the other day, I left Ace at my mum’s place and went for a special session with one of my mentors, Veron.

During the session, Veron shared with us something that she says she has learnt after she spent lots and lots of money, time and effort. And it is something very simple one lor. So simple that when I heard it, I was like, “Ya hor, how come I never thought of this before?”

She told us that too many people in this world do not get what they want in life because they keep focusing on what they do not want.

Eg, a person is preparing a report for her boss. It is important that she does a good job and that she will get good appraisal from her boss because of this because if she does, she will get the raise she always wanted. Instead of focusing on doing a good job, most people will worry about all the “wat if I didn’t do this? What if it is not good enough for my boss? What if my boss dun like it?” etc.. you get the idea lah..

So in the end, she will be so stressed she will not perform up to standard. And because she did not perform up to standard, she will not get the raise tat she wanted.

See, focus on what you dun want and you will get it because FOCUS EQUALS REALITY!

I mean, you will be surprised that even BABY ACE knows, understands and USES this concept okie!

My son is 4 mths old and he knows that if he focuses on what he wants, that is what he will get.

You see. The other day, I brought him to take his 4th month jab.

Afternoon is where Ace takes his naps. Afternoon time = Nap Time. By the time we were inside the room, Ace was already half asleep.

We then had to weight him.. the nurse had to go and prepare the needle, prepare this and write that. By the time she was ready, Ace was already soundly asleep.

Ace’s goal was to have his nap. So no matter how I shook him, he just did not bother to wake.

Finally, when the needle went in, he woke, cried for 3 seconds and went back to sleep.

Eh harlow.. the same injection, when it went into another 4 mth old, he was still howling away by the time the mother is seating outside and waiting for like 5 min lor…

Was it that painful?

Well, focus on the pain and yes, it is very painful lor.

Ace focus on what he wanted: his afternoon nap. And that was wat he got. He was still very peacefully asleep when I walked to the library, signed up his library membership, chose books for him, chit chatted with the librarian and walked home. Hiaks.


So the next time you catch yourself focusing on what you don’t want, remember how Ace baby got wat he wanted. If he can do it, so can you!

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