Thursday, February 09, 2006

New Bath Time Routine

Ace has a new bathtime routine...

Since he can stand with support now, I have been using the shower to shower him while he stands lately..

I still fill the tub with water for him to play with it after his bath.. and have added rubber duckie (one big and one small one) and also the (willy the whale tat can squirt water) to it... and he enjoys it tremendously..

Hahaha.. now I use it as a reward and tell him things like if he is good boy, he gets to play with his toys during bath time tommorrow.. hahah ;)

I think i will take away the whale and put in his floating ship next week.. if not play with the same toy again and again also sian...


  1. maybe u can feel the tub with more water so that nxt time ace goes swimming he wont be so scared :p

  2. no matter how much i fill it also not as much as swimming pool mah ;)

  3. Anonymous10:40 PM

    buy a super big bath tub...hahaha
    I jus luv his naked pics....wooooo
