Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Ace KOK his head

Well, Ace was happily sitting on his mattress that day.. and all of the sudden, he toppled over to the side before I could catch him and "KOK", before I knew it, his head already hit the floor...

He started to cry loudly and so I picked him up and sayang him...

I guess it didn't feel very painful cos after about 5 seconds, he stopped crying.. but when i put him down, he started to cry and cry.. when i put him back into a sitting position, he started to give those kind of fake cries tat babies love.. and i think you may admire him for it.. he actually managed to squeeze out some tears too! :)

Well, I started to play with him.. and in a while.. it was SUNSHINE AFTER THE RAIN liao...


  1. Hahahaha... power ah yee is really psychotic.. hahahaha...

    no wonder he always m shaped mouth when he sees you.. hahahaha

  2. Anonymous4:30 PM

