Tuesday, February 07, 2006


Ace is at the age where he loves peekaboo games....

And boy does he enjoy them and give out loud laughter ;)

Some of his favourites are:

1) mmm... CHAK!: It goes like this.. you use a hand, handkercheif, bolster, scarf to cover yourself and you say"mmm.." when you do that... and then when you remove the obstruction to show your hidden face.. you must say "CHAK" and then give Ace a big grin.. and he will (depending on his mood) either grin back or start to giggle uncontrollably...

2) Tickle-me-baby: Once Ace shows some sign of being heated up.. (meaning you hear him softly giggle), you can play this game with him.. tickle him around his neck, his body.. his thighs and he will scream with delight and laugh non stop! ;P

3) Talk like me: Well, the game goes like this.. Ace makes a noise.. and then you take turn to make the same noise.. he will make another noise and then it is your turn to make the same noise... you can try making diff noises at him.. and he is usually very amused..

4) Grab the ball: A shopkeeper gave him a ball that day.. and it has since become his favourite toy... he will grab it and press it (cos there is a squeek coming out when you press it..). Just show him the ball.. and put it at diff places in front of him for him to grab. Alternatively, you can hide the ball and ask him to find it...

5) Mummy pick-up-sticks: Well, while playing grab the ball, Ace decided to change the game to ask me to pick up the ball... he would grab it for a while.. and then throw it away and smile at me to get me to pick it up.. if I dun, he will make some noises... and it will get louder and louder till i pick it up.. but when i pass the ball to him (after i teach him to say, "pls mummy, can you pick the ball up and pass it to me?") he will give me a cheeky grin and throw it on the floor again..

But well, no matter wat games he has progressed to... I know there is one game he will never get tired of... and it's called "I want my nen nen..." hahahaha

1 comment:

  1. ace will luff when u go nia nia nia in high pitch voice n shake ur head when saying...

