Thursday, August 31, 2006

Handsome Boy

Compliments, compliments, compliments! ;)

22 Aug was a happy day for Ace ;)

It was the day when the much-awaited Zi En Meimei was born. And as Daddy was going sailing the next day, we decided to visit Zi En and her mummy and daddy in hospital that night.

Firstly, Ace was dressed up nicely in his new clothes. Blue hooded sleeveless top proudly sponsored by Megan and grey funky pants that we bought for him when we went shopping the other day.

On our way there, we saw another aunty in the lift. Because I wanted Ace to make it a habit to be polite to people and constantly make new friends all the time, I told Ace, "Ace, you never say HELLO to aunty.. say HELLO to aunty..."

Aunty said hello to Ace and Ace shyly am chio (that's hokkien for HIDDEN SMILE and it means smile shyly).. and then aunty said, "Hello, HANDSOME BOY!" And Ace started beaming! ;)

When he reached hospital, he was initially sleeping... once he woke up, he wanted to explore everything! The bed Germaine was lying on, the gifts they have recieved.. he wanted to touch Mei Mei and talk to her and ask her why is she sleeping and so, Daddy had no choice but to bring him out of the ward to play outside cos he was just so full of energy!

Even Serene (who was pregnant and was there visiting as well) and her husband also starting to sweat as they think of how they will be in our shoes when their son is born.. hahha..

While he was outside, there were many nurses walking around and everytime one nurse sees him, they will say to him things like, "What a handsome boy!" "What a cute baby!" "What a beautiful smile!"

And so Ace was happy and smiley the whole night... and this is how we came to have this set of smiley ace photos with Daddy :)

Anyway, if you want to make your child happy, just praise them everyday.. btw, your hubby and the adults around you feel good and feed on compliments too.. so dun be so ngiaow... compliment others a little more ;)

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