Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Key Comb

Ace doesnt have much hair to comb.

Despite the fact that after using the VitaliT shower system, he has had MORE HAIR, there still not much of it to really comb. (Despite that, Daddy is still saying that his hair is messy and threatening to shave him botak again!!)

But I read somewhere that babies at this age should be starting to learn to use things.. like they should know a toothbrush is for brushing teeth and a comb is for combing hair.. so that day, I took a comb and started to comb his hair.. and then I passed him the comb and he started to comb his hair.

But Ace may have misunderstood my 'training' for him.. after that when I put him in the playpen, he found his toy keys and he kept putting them on his head and looked as he was combing his hair with his keys.. hahaha..

But anyway, Ace will raise his arms and legs when you help him change in and out of clothes. What a helpful baby. ;)

He also understands now that telephones are for talking and would always hold my handphone next to his ears and gibber gibber.. and then hang up by saying, "bye bye.." like I do. Now, when Daddy call, he will at least try to talk to Daddy when I put the phone next to his ears unlike the past where he will try to grab the phone and play with it.

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