Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Happy Birthday To Me!

Gee, this blog has seen me through another birthday.. this year will be the last year I can say i am a 20 something.. grrr...

Oh well, I have the secret to youth and energy.. heheheh...

Well, this year, I will have 3 birthdays.. tat's cos my lunar birthday falls on the 7th month and there are two 7th months this year.

The first Lunar 7th month, 15th day (yes, I was born on Hungry Ghosts' Festival), I was doing detox and could not eat but me and Daddy celebrated by watching a movie together.

I have so far celebrated my birthday a few times ;)

- Sunday: with my family.. n my bestest fren, Karen
- Monday night: With my WBG frens.. and my in-laws...

Tonite, me will celebrate with Darling Max ;)

Have since also recieved many pressies:
- tea-making set, tea and scrub from Karen
- Ang Pow from Papa and Mama (my in laws)
- a promise to buy me a dress from Clari
- Key pouch, necklace and free dinner from Max darling
- Kiss fm Ace... hahahaha

Anyway, PC down... me at Ah Yee's house now and going shopping with her later..

Ok.. me off to enjoy.. tata! *sings* happy birthday to me... happy birthday to me... happy birthday to me...happy birthday to me...


New Updates of my bird day celebration pics:


  1. Anonymous11:41 PM

    Angel, happy birthday to you. May u always stay happy and cheerful. BTW, we share the same birthmonth.

  2. So when is your birthday???:P Hahaha.. no wonder we click.. are you also a virgo?

    How was your holiday???

  3. Anonymous10:28 AM

    It is TODAY and also a Virgo! ...ha..ha..

    Holiday was good. Good time and good love from relatives. Just got no time to extend more days.

  4. Anonymous3:27 PM

    Happy Birthday to You,
    Happy Birthday to You,
    Happy Birthday to Pus,
    Happy Birthday to You! :)

    May all your wishes come true...and more exciting times to come!

  5. Anonymous10:38 PM

    Thanks Angel and Max. Too much food and cakes today. Going to sleep early on my birthday.
