Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Ace Can Feed Himself

Ace has made another breakthrough in his development of his motor skills ;)

He can now feed himself.

Sort of lah...

If you dun mind the mess he makes and ignore the pieces of flying food on the floor, i would say he is a pretty good 'eater' now and can feed himself with amazing accuracy now.


If you cut things into small cubes and give him a bowl like container, he can use a spoon and scoop it up and try to deliver it into his mouth ;)

The other day, he finished a bowl of watermelon all by himself ;) I am so proud of him!

But he is still not very good with liquid and gooey stuff.. cos he once he comes to the end and is unable to scoop anymore up, he would use his hands and end up looking like a huge mess.

But I am proud of him cos I think he made a HUGE improvement. When he started, he couldn't scoop and just couldnt seem to find his mouth. Now, he is getting it right all the time.

The other day, we went to Success to eat and Ace was trying to feed himself. He discovered that if he brought the bowl to his lips and tilt it, he would be able to shovel food in and has thus been exploring with this new way of eating. Hahaha..

I hope he gets tired of this soon or gets a hang of this soon. Either way, I wouldnt have to clean up so hard after him because now, half of his food ends up on his shirt, his pants and the floor.

Previously, about a few weeks back, we discovered that Ace did not like to eat lunch. He kept refusing to eat his lunch and we were wondering why. The quality and taste was the same, the person who feeds him is the same, his appetite seemed the same (he would eat more biscuits in the afternoon)... but he just refused to eat both lunch and dinner...

That is.. until we realized that he wanted to play a part during meal time. Since we started to give him a bowl and a spoon and some food to try to feed himself, he became receptive towards eating during mealtimes again.

Anyway, we saw this cute cutlery set at Ikea and bought him a set. The bowl and plates have this curved edge to help them scoop up the food. There is also a slant at the circumference so that it is easier for the baby to shovel food into their mouths.

But strangely, because of this USEFUL TOOL, now we need two people to feed Ace. One to use the cup to pour water into his new bowl, one to feed him.

Ace is so besotted with this set of cutlery that he has been using the cup to drink like 3 cups of water in one night. Let's hope he doesn't get tired of this and keeps drinking.. ;)

A few days after I wrote this down, I discovered another thing about Ace. He is not able to use the fork as well. Isn't he a clever baby? I will post up his pics when I have the time.

Previous Post: Ace wants to go out

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