Monday, March 26, 2007

Ace Wants To Go Out

Ace is starting to have a mind of his own these days.

In addition, he is also very creative in trying to get what he wants.

The other day, he found Ah Yee's keys and decided that he wants to go out. So he went to the door, tip toed and tried to put the keys in to unlock the door.

That really shocked me.

When we are living at Waipo's house, we seldom close or even lock the wooden door. How in the world did he KNOW that the KEYS are for that particular door and how in the world did he figure out that the key is suppose to go into that key hole?!

Then we realized that when we lock the doors at night with the key, Ace must have been observing.

Anyway, since he wasn't quite tall enough and did not quite have the dexterity to unlock and open the door, he then decided that he will go and get his shoe first... when he couldnt reach it, he opened the shoe cabinet to see if he could find any other alternatives...

Is that clever or what!?:P hahaha...

The other day, he saw me make up and Daddy wear his shoes, he immediately took out his shoes, asked Mah mah to wear for him, kneeled down to sansho to gohonzon and then smiled at us.

Liming says this is a brilliant move. Too bad though, we still did not bring him out in the end tat day ;) hahaha...

Previous Post: True Love

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