Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Oh! Shit!

It's a shitty world lately...

Remember that I had just toilet trained Ace so that he could tell us if he wanted to pee?

Well, I think we kind of succeeded doing the potty training for the shit part as well.

The other day, I was enjoying my beauty sleep in my room and suddenly, my dad screamed very loudly, "Da gua! Kuai dian lai! Da bian ah!"

I was jolted into waking up and ran to the kitchen and this is what my saw..

My son was standing there, with his pants down and there was this pile of shit beside him.... And there was this guilty look on his face.

To make him feel better.. and of course, because I really did find it funny, I started to laugh! "hahahahahaa......"

Then Waigong explained that Ace ran to him and said, "Wai gong sh sh..." So my dad pulled his pants down and put the urinal in front of him and the end result was that two lump of shit came out from the back...

"Hahahahaah... Ace, you are so clever leh. Now you can tell us when you want to shit already.. HIGH FIVE!" I told him.

"Next time you have to say properly ok? In front one is sh sh... if behind one is da bian.. ok? High five you clever boy!"

And the smile returned to his face and then I proceeded to clean up the mess.

After that, he was really happy and started stand by the childgate in front of the kitchen and kept saying, "waigong, da bian!" and then cackle into laughter.

So cute.

But the next day, he came to me in the afternoon and said, "Mama, mama... sh sh... sh sh....!"

He looked really urgent so I fly towards the tam pui and then pulled his pants down and placed the tam pui in front of his johnny.

And then he started to give a constipated look and I knew he was going to shit. So I shifted the tam pui to his backside and asked him, "You want to da bian is it?"

"No!" he insisted firmly and pushed the tam pui back to the front.

I put it behind is bottom and asked him, "Da bian is it?"

"No! No! No!" he insisted and pushed it to the front.

The end result. One drop of pee came out together with two lumps of shit! Hahahaha...

Now, Ace only wears pants at home and only puts on diapers when he is sleeping and when he is going out. Wah.. save money ah! Not bad POV abundance comes in many ways indeed!

Previous Post: I can use chopsticks

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