Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Your Job Is To Be Happy

As a parent, your job is to be happy. Because if you are happy, your children will be happy.

As a child, your job is also to be happy because only when you are happy, your parents will be happy.

You see, we all know that having a happy life is great. If we had a good life, had lots of money, a good job, loving partners and wonderful children, it would be all so wonderful. But how many people around you do you know that really has a good and happy life?

And the interesting thing is this...

Let me ask you a question... there is no right or wrong answer. Just answer truthfully, intuitively and don't think too hard.

If you are not happy with your life right now, is it because you feel that if you were too happy, you would let your parents down?

Do you feel that you would be betraying your parents if you had a much better life than them?

Do you believe that you are unfillial if your parents had a terrible life and you lead a wonderfully happy life?

If your answer is yes to any of the above questions, then you got it the wrong way.

Too many of us stay unhappy so that we could be good children.

If you had any children, be it a son or a daughter, you would want them to be happy, wouldn't you?

Remember, we are the arrow and our parents the bow. We have come so that we can go furthur than them. If you are happy, you could share your gift of happiness with them. If you had a good life and lots of abundance, you could share it with them!

I mean, if you saw a little girl playing on her own and having fun while her parents led sad, unfulfilling lives, would you scold her and say, "How dare you make your parents unhappy. You shouldn't have a life because they don't too!"

We make ourselves miserable but keep wanting others to be happy. How does it work?

If your parents are unhappy, and you say to yourself, "Let me make myself even more unhappy!" That sounds insane, doesn't it? But that is exactly what alot of us are doing.

If we want to be really successful in life, we need to understand that the what and the how are the same thing.

Eg, if we made a million dollars by being mean, we will feel mean no matter how much or how little money we make.

If we made the money by working hard, at the end of the day, we only have hard work no matter how much money we make.

If you want money and success, you have to act and think successfully and not by doing anything else. So if you want happiness, you have to act and think happy!

We came as a gift of happiness to our parents, all we need to do is to switch on the switch and think and act happy.. this happiness will come back and you will make your parents happy as well.

But our ego has tricked us into telling us that our happiness lies in something outside of ourselves.

So remember, happiness is within you! Be happy and share it with your parents. Your children will learn from YOUR example :)

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