Saturday, August 09, 2008


I always tell people save an occasional cough and runny nose, Ace has never really fallen sick except having fever after his injections...

In fact, both myself and Ace have not seen a doctor since we went for his after birth check up at all! ;)

Many told me to be prepared for when he goes to school because in school, germs are generally passed around alot more easily and children pass them around not only to their classmates but also to their parents...

On that Ace started schooling, he started to cough a little bit. Strangely, the cough only happens early in the morning when he wakes up. As his body warms up, his cough will fade... but just to make sure it does not get worse, we banned Ace from ice creams, cold drinks, sweet drinks and rubbish junk food and fed him lots of VP...

On top of that, we also did everything we possibly could to help him WANT to recover faster because I believe that RESULTS=INTENT.
  1. I told him the benefits of being healthy

  2. Reminded him that I love him and like it when he is healthy

  3. Told him I dun like it when he is sick

  4. Made it a point to remind him that he couldn't eat many of his fav things like ice cream, sweet drinks unless he recovered from it

  5. Reminded him to drink more water so that he can get well faster

  6. Reminded him to take more VP so that he can get well faster

And I think Ace really tried to get better. He sleeps earlier, drinks more water and always asks for VP whenever he is coughing. But leh, after about a week, the cough, after becoming better for a while got worse when Ace went to stay with my mum for two days. There was one day he was so sick that his teacher called me and said that he went up to her during class and asked if he could sleep because he was very tired....

I know Ace will ALWAYS be well taken care of at my mum's place but I was just too busy those two days and did not have time to play or talk to him except early in the morning before he goes to school.. Daddy was busy with some event and also did not get to see him much except when he sent him to school.

I went to dig out my YOU CAN HEAL YOUR LIFE book by Louise Hay and tracked what could be part of the possible reasons for a cough....

Did you know that most of the illnesses that we have are largely attributed to some psychological reasons.. eg, the probable cause for cough is actually to say, "LOOK AT ME!" I guess Ace felt like he was ignored or worst still, abandoned at my mum's place for no reason... and that is why even though he was well taken care of, his cough got worse. And he coughed like his lung was going to drop out like that...

So when we brought him home, I was determined to help him get well:
  1. I committed to spending time with him that night and spending more time doing things together with him over the weekend
  2. As he enjoys school, I reminded him that he CANNOT go to school if he does not get well

  3. Called Nainai and asked her to make some liang shui for Ace's cough

  4. Repeats the affirmation, "I love you very much and you are well loved. You are important to me..."

  5. Keep reminding him that when I did not see him, I really missed him

  6. Gave him lots of kisses and long long hugs

  7. Fed Ace with more VP and even fed him Fibrena and Indinine.

I didn't know how to get him take indinine cos the last time we tried to get him to eat it.. he spat it out.. so we mixed it in fibrena and let him take it.. he loved it!

After doing all of the above, his condition improved by 80% IMMEDIATELY!

Because I wanted him to take more indinine, the next day morning, I told him that I am going to give him indinine.. it might not taste very good but it will help him recover much faster...

"You must chew ok? It tastes like VP lah... and you cannot spit it out ok? It is very expensive..." I told Ace..


And to my surprised.. he finished it up with no complains.

The funniest thing happened in the evening when he came to me and told me, "Mummy, I cough leh, I must take products..."

"What products you want to take?" I asked him...

"Indinine lor..."

"Aiyoh, no need lah.. take VP can or not.." I asked him

"Cannot. I want indinine..."

"Take VP lah.." I tried to persuade him otherwise..

And then, using the full capacity of his lungs he said very loudly, "But wo ke sou leh! wo yao chi Indinine! Chi Indinine cai hui hao!"

I dunno whether to laugh or cry.. haha.. this young man sure knows good stuff when he sees it..

Anyway, because his cough happens only during certain times of the day and also because he is still active and happy, I think his cough is really just a healing crisis... will just continue to feed him more VP and water and even Indinine...

Previous post: A Close Shave

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