Sunday, August 10, 2008

Why You Give Me Number 2?

The other day, we had nothing better to do at home and so we decided to go out for dinner. Because we heard some singing, Max told Ace we were going to watch a singing contest... but then we realized it was just the RC national day dinner...

So we decided to go elsewhere.. "But I want to go dancing.." Ace told us... So we told him that we will go dancing later at home..

We went for dinner and then went home.

"Mama.. I want dancing.." Ace told me..

So I played him the kinderbopper CD. "NO, no no, I don't want this. I want the 'ma ma, mama'... " said Ace.

I have this CD from Similac which is free and the first song in the CD is a piece of soothing music with a voice of a baby saying, "mama.." I remembered playing it often to Ace when he was a baby and wondering when I can I hear him call me MAMA as in the CD...

Anyway, for some unknown reason, I just could not find the CD no matter how hard I tried and so I thought I would give him some funky dance music and I put in my BSTC CD...

Ace started dancing and really grooving to the music. Both me and Max suspect that he will be a great street dancer or break dancer when he grows up as all his self cheorographed moves are mostly hip hop and street dance like...

And then, after a while, it dawned on me why Ace loved this piece of music and shimmied to it so happily.. this was the music he heard almost everyday for a few months when I was pregnant with him!

Anyway, max was so impressed he went to take out one of his trophies, passed it to Ace and told him, "Ace, this is for you! You are number one! You are really good!" And Ace happily waved his trophy into the air.

I wondered though why Max gave Ace a silver trophy instead of a gold one when it is supposed to be a number one trophy but thought Ace wouldn't notice the difference anyway.

Later, me, Max and Ace were watching TV in the living room after a bout of dancing and Ace was admiring his trophy again... he eyes were carefully reading all the inscription on the trophy and he saw the number '2' which he recognized.

"Daddy, why did you give me a number two?" He asked his dad.

We laughed until tears came to our eyes and Max quickly apologized to Ace and went to find a trophy that had a number 1 on it and gave it to him. He is one smart 3 year old lor!

Then we told Ace that he is number one.. "Daddy is number one and Mummy is number one..." And Ace happily played with his number one trophy...

Previous Post: Cough!

1 comment:

  1. hi, i were trying to search for this kinderbopper CD and came across your webpage. can you advise where did you buy this CD?
