Monday, September 29, 2008

I Want Papa To Come Home

It has been about 3-4 weeks since Max left...

Time flies ya.. we are almost halfway through our countdown..

As mentioned, Ace always will all of a sudden feel upset... or when he feels upset, we will have the below conversation:

Ace: *M shape mouth expression* Where is my papa...
Me: Your papa is in Bahrain
Ace: Why Bahrain?
Me: Because he has to work there..
Ace: Why work?

Yesterday, I think he must have missed his Daddy terribly... cos all of the sudden, after i genly reminded him not to do something, he started to cry.. with tears some more...

Ace: *M shape mouth expression* Where is my papa...
Me: Your papa is in Bahrain
Ace: Why Bahrain?
Me: Because he has to work there..
Ace: Why work?

And he added, "I don't want Papa to work. I don't want Papa in Bahrain. I want Papa to come home!"

So I hugged and told him I will tell Papa that... but because his dad was bz with work these days.. so I told him that Daddy might not be able to call us these few days.. and so I hugged him and told him we all love him and he was ok after a while...

Then, about 2 hours later, his Dad called.. "Ace, Daddy on the phone..." I passed the phone to Ace and he waved his hands to signal "No" to me... why? Because he was eating strawberries lor! Hahaha.. this tam jiak little boy.. got strawberries no need to talk to his daddy..

After he finished his food, he came into the room to talk to his dad.. but after like 5 min, he decided he had enough and said "Bye bye" on his own accord and passed the phone back to me...

The other day we were reading his story book.. titled, "What do you want to be when you grow up?"

I asked him that question and he said.. "When I grow up, I want to go Bahrain.."

"Why?" I asked him.

"To work lor... to find Daddy lor..."

hahaha.. Ace, your Daddy will be back by then lor!

Previous Post: You Are Not My Friend

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