Monday, January 26, 2009

I Want, I Want...

For the past three days, Ace has not been drinking milk before he sleeps. It is almost as if he has forgotten that he has this NEED for milk before he sleeps. He merely goes to his room, reads his story books and turns around and falls asleep.

But leh, you see, all these are but habits lah.

Once he goes over and stays at Popo's house for 4 consecutive nights, he develops the old milk habit again.. cos my parents they are all very 'zi dong' one.. they will just make milk for him without him needing to request for it... so after 4 nights of drinking milk, he came home the other day and threw a tantrum before he was due to go to bed...

"I want... I want... erm.. erm.." For 10 min, he used his "BEST" whiney voice and repeated that phrase... and it seems like because he hasn't been drinking milk or using that word for about a week.. he has forgotten wat it is called!

After about 10 min, then he remembered tat the word is MILK. "I want milk..." and so I went to make for him lor...

Previous Post: Chanting Ace

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:01 AM

    aiyo..i also fall into the very 'zi dong' category..keke
    I auto make milk for issac b4 sleep everyday :p
