Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Whiney-est CNY

CNY for me as a child was great joy:)

It was a time for ang pows, snacks, new clothes, good food and lots of fun and games with my cousins.

As I grew up, it became not so exciting for me anymore... ang pows, snacks, new clothes are not that a big deal anymore since I started to earn my own keep and could buy and eat anything I wanted anytime of the year... it is made worse by the fact that my relatives like to ask me either when i am getting married or why i have no boyfriend.. (depending on what my status was at that moment).

And then, I got married, set up my own family and it got even LESS exciting cos it means you got to clean up the whole bloody house by yourself.. and you had to GIVE OUT angpows (pay back time for all the ang pows you collected) and worst still when your children are growing up as you had to feed them or make sure they dun run around.. etc...

CNY last year was not so bad since Ace was mobile and all that.. he could take good care of himself and I didn't really have to keep an eye on him. I thought this year would be even better but i was WRONG!

On the first day of Chinese new year.. my very good son woke up from the wrong side of the bed and started WHINING the WHOLE DAY. (actually, he was whining for two days)

Initially he whined about not wanting to brush his teeth, then about what to wear for the day (even though we previously agreed to wear the white shirt and jeans ensemble that NaiNai bought for him...). :"Noooooooooooo.. this is not nice, I dun want to wear this!" he insisted and started to cry and whine... and finally quieten down when he picked out a nice new orange shirt to wear...

And then he started whining about how he did not want to put on his new shoes because he wanted to wear the old black shoes... and then he started whining when he was told he cannot have too many biscuits... whining when he did not get to eat his favourite chicken rice... whining if he did not get a chance to play at the playground, whining because he wanted to play for 5 more min there.. whining cos someone hit him while playing with him..

It sure was irritating like hell!

To make it worse, he took lots of sweet stuff (which is known to make children's temper even worse) and did not get his normal 2 hour naps in the middle of the day... so he got really cranky..

After two days of none stop whining, I had a talk with him in the car... "Ace, can you tell us properly what you want? Sometimes some things cannot go your way... we try to accomodate your request as far as possible but in life, not all things will go your way... but when you whine and whine and whine and cry and cry, you make it a very unpleasant experience for both me and daddy.. i am sure it was an unpleasant experience for you as well. You see, if you don't whine so much, we could spend more time being happy.. instead of using the time to pacify you and scold you.. I could be spending time instead having fun with you and hugging you... you know I love you no matter what.. even if you did not whine, I would still hug you and kiss you...."

Let's hope he gets better now he gets back into school...

Anyway, just to be fair, Ace was a good boy in other aspects as well. Instead of drinking green tea or soft drinks, he followed our instructions and drank from his water bottle mostly. He shared his food with Yeye and he learnt to put on his new shoes on day two. (Just FYI, while he kept insisting that the white shirt and jeans were not nice in day one.. he said in day two, "this shirt is sooooooooo nice!") He also did not cry much when he fell and hurt himself... very brave boy indeed!

Anyway, here are our CNY photos:

As Ace says to everyone:

Previous Post: I Want, I Want...

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