Friday, March 20, 2009

Creative Ace 5

Nowadays, Ace's drawing takes more form and has more logical thought and thinking behind them.

The other day, he had a heavy breakfast so when we finally reached Popo's house, he told us that he did not need to eat lunch. "I ate lunch already. I ate noodles. I am not hungry..." he told Popo...

And so while we were having lunch, Ace insisted that he wanted to to keep drawing and so we set up a table for him by the side to continue drawing and this is what he drew... can you tell what it is??

Cannot tell leh...

The answer is as follows...

Cute or not?

But of course, that is not the most creative part of his art creation. I asked him why there were two boxes at my chest area. "Are those my breasts?" I asked him...

"Yeah!" He said...

Later, when he is done, he said he wanted to colour his picture. "Then can you colour mummy's clothes first?" I asked him.

"No, you never wear clothes..." he giggled. And then he drew two circles inside the boxes and said, "You never wear clothes, you show people your neh neh..." and laughed. (He knows how they look like cos we bath together sometimes...)

Cheeky little boy...

Previous Post: This is 5!

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