Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Do You Want Me To Be Sad?

The other day, I was just having a chat with my brother in law about how most people want to do business but shun away from doing sales. But what they do not realise that selling is one of the most important skill set required of an entreprener.

Most successful businessmen that I know are all master of persuasion or master of promotion. My business coach always says that his mother says that when he was born, he could already talk and he can already say, "Sell! Sell! Sell!" My many other mentors that I have followed are all also great promoters.

Promotion and persuasion is the art of influencing people and their decisions. A good business person would require such a skill so that they can easily promote their business idea, their product to either investors or consumers or even the people that they work with.

I have mentioned before many times in my blog that mothers are natural promoters and master of persuasion, an art that they train from when their children are young.. in order to get their kids to co-operate with them and do the things they want them to do.

I have discovered recently that children seem to have the inborn ability to sell, persuade and promote:)

Recently, Ace has taken to using his inborn ability to get me to do things that he wants. For example, the other day, we went to the pasar malam and he saw this game stall and he wanted to play a game.

"I don't know how to play.." I told him. "But I know how to play...." he insisted and he was on the verge of throwing a tantrum. I reminded him that I don't like little boys who throw tantrums and that he knows that if he throws a tantrum, he for sure will not get what he wants.

Recently, Ace has managed to master the art of holding back his tantrums and try a 'better way' to persuade me to do things aka EQ. But at that instant, he really surprised me with his tactic.

"Mummy, do you know that if you don't let me play the game, I will be very sad? Do you want me to be sad, Mummy, you don't want me to be sad right?"

I almost wanted to laugh out loud. "Well, I don't want you to be sad of course. Let me think about it..."

And then he proceeded to give me his very best 'good little boy' face and finally I told him. "Because you are so patient and such a good little boy and because you choose not to throw tantrum and to ask nicely, I will let you play one game."

I noticed that he is starting to realize that tantrums are not the best way to resolve issues and get things done and he has stopped throwing so many tantrums and started to do more things in a loving way... which hits my soft spot.. for example, he will hug me and kiss me and tell me that he loves me, or he will ask me really politely and nicely...

Ah, life is indeed getting better!

Previous Post: Ace Policeman

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