Sunday, October 25, 2009

Ace's First Swimming Lesson

Ace has a fear of water and since young, it has been quite tough to get him to even go in the pool. The furthest he would be willing to step in is to step on the steps by the side.. if not, he would take a walk around the pool but he NEVER wants to go INTO the pool.

We noticed though, the other time when we brought him to the condo pool that he is now ok about going in but he just really dislikes fountains and stuff like we decided to take one step forward and send him for his swimming class.

The first time I touched on the subject of a swimming class, he said he doesn't want to go.

And so, Max told him that we would like to send him to a swimming class to learn swimming. At the class, there would be alot of other people having fun with him and that he will get a very nice teacher and that it would be very fun and after he learns how to swim, he can swim with Daddy and can even save people in the water in future!

And then. he said he wanted to go and got really excited about the class.

Everyday he asks me if he is going for swimming class today.. and then a day before the class, I told him that his teacher is called Mr Loke... and then on the day of his actual lesson, every one to two hours, he will ask me if it is time for his swimming lesson and the whole time, it was just my teacher, Teacher Loke her and Teacher Loke there...

Anyway, if you looked at the pics, you will find that he was initially quite stressed and by the end, he was happy and even made a few friends. The teacher was very patient with him and after lesson, he said he enjoyed himself totally and is looking forward to his next lesson.

All in all, I think Ace did great for his first lesson. I thought he might cry or refuse to do certain things but he followed all instructions and I can tell that he did his very best throughout :)

I am so proud of you, Ace!

PS: If you are interested to send your child for swimming lessons, you can contact me at for details of his swimming class :) Apparently his swimming teacher Mr Loke has been doing this full time for more than 10 years and teaches in swimming pools all over singapore. Charges range from $50- $200 depending on whether you are going for group class or personal private class... children and even adults of all ages as welcomed :)

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