Saturday, October 24, 2009

Be Careful When Sleeping With Your Child

You should always be careful when you are sleeping with your children ...

Sometimes, while you are asleep, they may be up to something funny.... and this is how Ace made Max a laughing stock in office...

That day, in order to ENCOURAGE Ace to take his afternoon nap soon, the very tired Max decided to take a nap with Ace.

But the cheeky little boy brought a marker pen into the room and played with it non stop instead of sleeping and Max also did not notice anything abnormal when he went he woke up.

The next day, when he went to work, his colleagues asked him why there was a BLUE PATTERN on his nape and then he realized he was a victim of Ace's artistic venture... and all he colleauges laughed at him.. hahahaha

So be very careful when you are sleeping with your children... You really never know what they are up to when you are asleep.. hahaha

Previous Post: Gong Gong's BD

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