Friday, March 05, 2010


Ho'oponopono is a Hawaiian traditional healing method. It teaches that whatever is happening or will happen in your life is nothing but your own reflection on past memories that are repeating themselves. Whatever things that you see in others that you do not like (or that you do like) are merely a projection of what and who you believe you really are because of things that happened in your childhood... (And on a sidenote, our children and our spouses are our most direct mirror as it reveals to us our subconscious self beliefs we may not have known we had)

For example, if you see someone whom you do not like and if you get curious about why you do not like them and realize that you do not like them because you think they are say greedy... Then it means that deep within you in your unconcsious mind, there is a belief about yourself that YOU are greedy.. if you do not 'heal' this, you will keep meeting greedy people and might have unpleasant experiences with them to remind urself of this misunderstood belief about yourself till you do something about it...

By saying "I'm sorry", "Please forgive me", "Thank you" and "I love you", the old data accumulated through eons of time can be erased so that light will come out from within you. When we forgive these people, we forgive ourselves.. when we judge ourselves less, we naturally feel much happier and lighter..

I first heard about Ho'oponopono from a friend and teacher of mine, Chuck Spezzano. He told us this true story of how there was a new doctor being sent to this mental institute and after he took over for a a month, most of his patients have seen great improvement and so people wanted to interview him about why he was able to make such progress. He said that because these people were hard core patients, he was too scared to face them and so for a month, all he really did was to take out their photos and tell them, "I am sorry, please forgive me, I love you..." for 15 min everyday and that was it.. that was how they improved!

To me, this is has always been known as a forgiveness exercise at the psychology of vision workshops we attended and we have done exercises where we put the person we cannot forgive most across the room and then every step we take towards them, we tell them, "I am sorry, please forgive me.. I have used you to obstruct myself.. I thank you for showing me about who I think I am and I love you..." And strangely, if done properly, the next time you see that person, they seem to have changed and lost that particular trait we are judgemental towards them about.

Anyway, thanks to my good friend, Jo, she actually burned a copy of the Hooponopono Song for me on a CD and on the day after I recieved it, I played it early in the morning when Ace was getting ready to go to school. Ace immediately fell in love with the song and after listening to it 2 times, he was already able to sing the song. He just finds the song really funny and keeps singing it and breaking out into giggles whenever he finishes singing.

And the most amazing thing is that whenever Ace is upset about something and throwing a tantrum, all I have to do is to sing the song to him and he would be smiling and compling with what I am asking him to do... and most importantly, even when I am just telling him how something is happening as a result of his actions and not even scolding him, (eg I told him how his not listening to me and drinking alot of coke is resulting in his cough and sore throat), he actually tells me, "I'm sorry, mummy. Please forgive me.." and hug me.

Feels good!

A zillion thanks, Jo!

Anyway, you are in luck cos I found a video of it on youtube. Here is the song I am talking about...

Previous Post: Can You Choose For Me?


  1. a very nice song indeed..can send me over msn if u r online?hehehe...

  2. Zhenyuan7:14 PM

    Can you send to me too for Jade?
