Thursday, March 04, 2010

Can You Choose For Me?

Since about a month ago, Ace has been asking me to help him choose what to eat whenever he is hungry.

Whenever he is hungry and wants a snack, he would come running to me and say, "Mummy, I am hungry. Can you please help me choose something to eat..."

"Go to the fridge and find food yourself lah.." I told him and he would say, "You choose for me lah.."

So I was very curious as to why he insisted that I was the one who chose his snack for him since he always seems to have a strong mind of his own and knows exactly what he wants or does not want to eat.

"You choose for me lah.. because if I chose myself, it will not be healthy. If you choose for me, it will be healthy..."

I wonder how he got this idea but this is a great reasoning that he has and so i could choose fruits for him to eat instead of chocolates and choose healthy grain biscuits instead of sweets...

But leh, sometime last week, he was having breakfast at home and so I asked him what he wanted to eat...

"Mummy, can you choose for me 3 lian rong bao?"

Hahahahaa.... talk about POWER OF CHOICE!:)

Previous Post: A Mother's Lap

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