Thursday, December 16, 2010

Adventures In Dubai Day 20: Ace Running On A Treadmill

We woke up in the morning and decided to go out explore the neighbourhood a little cos I wanted to buy something from the supermarket.. following Max's directions, we found some small supermarket selling quite alot of stuff.... on the way back home, I tested Ace on his sesne of directions and told him that I had already got lost and he had to point me the right direction home...

He just pointed me to some direction (which turned out to be the right direction actually but I din tell him that.. ) but the more he walked, the more nervous he felt and he confessed he actually didn't know where.. so I got him to walk to the doorway of our apartment and read the sign and he was so happy to find that we are back home...

Then afterward, we had lunch and rested a while and we went to the gym... and I suddenly had a bright idea and asked Ace if he wanted to go on the treadmill again.. and he said YES.. so I set it to let him run for like 5 minutes and I set like the speed at 1 but he felt it was too slow and upped it somemore...finally settling for 2.5.. I am impressed for that is quite fast for his age...

At night, we had peanut porridge for lunch.... and Max said he will fry me some veg to go along:)

Ace became very hyper after dinner and started dancing.. and then we decided to go supermarket shopping again.. our fav hobby! hahahahaha...

I was just telling Max that it wouldnt be that much of a hobby in singapore.. the weather here is great.. you feel like you are walking in an air con room so you dun mind walking around so much.. and sometimes they have really cheap stuff on the sale counters too...

But in sgp.. it is just so easy to find a place to eat then go to the supermarket to buy food and cook.. and it is so warm in sgp.. you really dun enjoy walking around so much....

Some interesting veg I found in the supermarket.. never seen white long beans before!

Ace helping to push the trolley along... tonite, we buying ingredients to make Sayur Lodeh tomorrow...

And to be honest, Dubai is more vegeterian friendly than singaporean.. jsut check out the amt of veg stuff they have here.. and they taste much better too! :) They hve hot dogs, chicken nuggets, veg stew, bean made burger patties.. etc etc etc etc etc...

They sell the fish in the supermarket by displayign them on these ice boxes...

We reached home and as Max was making his salad so late in the night, Ace was STILL EATING!

Max still felt hungry and so he hate a cabbage burger.. which is two slices of cabbages with a cheese slice in between.... And Ace said, "Daddy.. don't eat so much cheese ah.. if not you will become fat fat... mummy also ah.. cannot eat so much cheese or you will become fat fat...."


Previous Post: Adventures In Dubai Day 19: Nasi Lemak Day!!!

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