Sunday, March 13, 2011

Ace's Earnest Prayer

It is the school holidays and so Ace is at home alot and gets to watch the news alot... day in and day out, when we see news about Japan and the earthquake or the tsunami, he would be totally engrossed in the news...

So the other day, while we were walking on the street together, I tried to explain to Ace what is happening in Japan. "Would you like to help?" I asked him and he nodded his head vigourously "But I dunno how I can help, mummy.." he said.

"We can help by sending Japan love..." I told him and so we spent some time in silence and sent love plus a care bear stare to all our friends in Japan...

At night, when I was on FB, I read that one of my Japanese teacher and friend, Hiromi, appealed that everyone manifest for a miracle in Japan... and that the nuclear reactors would be safe and stable... and that everyone working there will be inspired with the best possible way to deal with the situation safely and quickly..

So I posted it on my status and asked my friends to join in in prayer and manifestation for a miracle...

At night before I slept, I explained also to Ace what was happening in Japan and how one of their big headaches now are the nuclear reactors and how the nuclear reactors might be very dangerous for the people living there...

Ace immediately told me, "I know how we can help! We can send love!" And so we did... and I added about how we can use the power of our mind to manifest a good ending to the situation and we took a moment to do that as well...

As and afterthought, I asked Ace to ask after Kaylen's grandparents as his classmate Kaylen is half Japanese and his grandparents live in Japan.

"Oh, " Ace suddenly said, "I need to talk to god now.. I have to ask god to make Japan recover forever..."

Suddenly, this puts things into perspective for Ace... and he started praying. "Dear god, please make Japan recover forever and that they will forever be safe. My friend kaylen wants to visit his grandpa and grandma in Japan with his daddy and mummy and I want them to be safe. I love my friend. and I want them to be safe.. dear god, please let japan recover forever..."

So sweet...

Today, Ace earnestly looked out for the news and realized that Japan has not yet recovered and he was very disappointed. I told him that we will have to pray more...

Anyway, the last I heard, the reactors have started exploding (two have exploded so far) and the radiation level has risen to a level that is slightly harmful to the human body.. so it will be a big issue for the people working on the issue... Also, there seem to be some rumours about another forthcoming earthquake to another part of japan...

My mother chanted a few hours of diamoku today and even went to work one hour later so that she could chant one hour more...

Keep praying... My friends have organized and praying session today at 8pm today. If you are not able to join in like me.. no matter where you are, at 8pm today, do take a moment to just gather your energy and your love and pour it into Japan so that they will receive a BIG miracle to turn things around.

PS: I was inspired to ask Max this.. in the face of such a huge disaster... many are starting to believe about 2012. If it were true tat the end of the world is coming in 2012, where would you like to be? Who would you like to be with? WHat would you like to be doing NOW?

Previous Post: Ace's Dream

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