Wednesday, April 06, 2011

About Japan, Earthquakes and Tsunamis

Since the earthquake and tsunami that overtook Japan by a storm, images of the tsunami and talk about the nuclear reactors have been appearing non stop on TV. And because my mum is very concerned about the issue, she will always watch the news to follow this issue...

Because of this, Ace is constantly exposed to scenes of destruction by the tsunami. As I have many friends in Japan as well, I am constantly updated about the news in japan by our friends... and a few days after the tsunami, my teacher and good friend, Hiromi, requested that we all pray for a miracle that the nuclear reactors can be contained...

So me and Ace have been on off praying for a miracle for Japan and sending love to the nuclear reactors.

I also try my very best to explain what is happening in Japan to Ace and he was even inspired enough to want to help by going to a prayer session with my mother one night:)

The other day, when my mother asked if he wanted to donate money to Japan, he happily took out his money to count and see how much he could donate. After counting though, he realized he had less than $10 in his piggy bank and so he says he will donate $5 onli... I explained to him that the money would be for buying food and supplies for the people in Japan who need help. Ah Yee, who is Recreation Comittee member in her company also organized a fund raising in her company....

A few days later, Ace's school sent me a letter that says that they are donating money to the red cross.. I figured the teacher would have explained the reason for donation and then when Ace was talking to Ah Yee about it.. he boastfully told Ah Yee that his donation is better because it will buy food and buy blankets and things they need. So I explained to him that a donation is a kind thought. No one's money is better than another's. Money is just a gesture of help. It is the thought that counts. Even if he does not want to donate, as long as he has the kind thoughts, that is more important. People with more money donate more, people with less money donate less. Everyone's money goes to some good cause and is useful in one way or another.

Then a few days later, one of his classmates whose mother is Japanese actually brought a cheque for $1000 to be donated and Ace requested that I also write a cheque for $1000 to donate it. I told him that if I wrote the cheque, the money will come from my bank... "But I dun have the paper (cheque)..." he told me... That is why he said I should write the paper (cheque) for $1000 for him.

And then I reminded him that he had hong bao money that I was trying to put into the bank... and he finally decided to take some money out of the hong bao money to donate. Initially he said donate $10, then I told him to donate more lah.. so he said donate $15 and then I told him to make it a round figure, easier.. and so in the end, he donated $20 to his school fund raising box ;) (and he felt very happy about it because he said it would provide food and build buildings for the people there and that his money will keep his classmate's family safe) Hahaha.. I am glad he has very kind thoughts... I do hope his donation really goes to a good cause...

Anyway, Ace told me, "I am a rich boy and I can share my money!" Maybe I should ask him to share his money with me.. wahahahahahaha...

Anyway, I am praying still for a miracle for Japan... hope they recover quickly...

Previous Post: Cheeky Ace

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