Friday, April 08, 2011

Ace Was Invited To A Wedding

Ace heard that Shirley jie jie is getting married.. so everyday.. whenever Ah Yee is going out, he will ask Ah Yee where she is going and who she is meeting... and if Ah Yee told her she is meeting shirley jie jie he will say, "Is it you going to shirley jie jie wedding?"

Finally though, his wish came true.. Shirley Jie Jie asked me if me and Ace would like to attend her wedding and the very excited Ace said YES! And so we went...

Before we went, Ah Yee told Ace he has to give red packet from his bank and his face froze.. hahahahahaha... and so I told him that he is a child and does not have to prepare a red packet as I dun think he will eat much and has told Shirley not to prepare his food... I told him that he has to instead draw a nice card for Shirley and Roy....

Here is Ace decorating the card.... Because Ah Yee and Net Net have to go there early to help out, we also rtagged along as Ace did not want to take MRT there... so we went there and sat at the reception to wait for the wedding lunch to start.. so as to make ourselves useful, I asked Ace to be security guard to take care of the the ang pow job.. while I auto helped out at the reception.. hahaha Ace got bored and said he was a POLICE officer. He found a piece of rough paper and started to write his POLICE report... his report says, "Shirly and Roy married together. They are peaceful.." I wonder why he thinks marriage is peaceful.. hahahaha

Anyway, he saw alot of childrenn but when he tried to play with them, they did not want to play with him. I told him it could be that those children are young and do not understand what he was trying to say when he asked to play with them.. so he came up with a brilliant idea of writing a name tag of his own name on himself so that he cna introduce himself easily.. and true enough, he found friends to play with immediately after putting on his name tag! Waiting for bride and groom to march in... True enough lor.. my son ate two dishes and ran out to play for the rest of the time! His fav YAM SENG TIME :) But the end of the wedding presented a huge problem for me. By the time the wedding ended, Ace had been running around the place for a few hours. He was already very tired... so when he heard that Ah Yee and Net Net had already booked a hotel room to celebrate their wedding anniversary, he pursed his lips.. knowing he had to take MRT home...

And so he asked if he could go visit Ah Yee in their room first and Ah Yee agreed. We went to the room and siao liao lor.. my son took off his shoes and socks, sat on the bed and started watching cartoon network.

No wanting to disturb them too much, I told Ace we had to leave soon. After about 5 minutes, I asked Ace to put on his shoes and he unwillingly did so... I asked him to give Ah Yee a hug and he gave her a really long hug... so we noticed that something must be wrong.. when Ah Yee asked him what is wrong.. he started to CRY! hahahahahahaah I thought he would do a I miss daddy stint but instead he said he did not want to leave the hotel... so still sobbing, I just pulled him out of the door... luckily, we saw another little girl he met at the wedding lor.. so he immediately stopped crying when he saw her as he probably felt embarrassed to be seen crying.. hahahahaha...

And then he started asking me WHY Ah Yee and Net Net dun want to go home... I told him they wanted to celebrate their wedding anniversary and he said why they cannot celebrate their wedding annivesary at home and have to do it at the hotel. I told him it is cos it was the same hotel they were married in and it is meaningful to celebrate there and so he asked me why it was meaningful to do so... faint lor...

Anyway, the journey home was a long one. He said he wanted to take circle line and so we had to change trains. Ace was so tired that throughout the short change in between the changes, he kept sleeping.. and the moment we reached home, he climbed onto bed and slept.... TILL THE NEXT MORNING! Hahahahahaha

Previous Post: About Japan, Earthquakes and Tsunamis


  1. hahhaa,fenfen姐姐 and wanli哥哥also want to invite Ace to their wedding, and they want an card made by ACE also!!!
