Monday, September 19, 2011


My son can read!

I mean, Ace started reading a long time ago but I only started to read those books with lots of words and very little drawings like Enid Blyton's Secret Seven when I was 7 years old and the other day, on his school library day, Ace borrowed Dairy of A Wimpy Kid.. which is a books with alot of words... And he even told me that he read it silently on the school bus by himself.. I am very impressed:)

Anyway, the book also became our bonding "let's read together" book to read before bedtime..

One of the stories inside, Greg, the protagonist in the book talked about this nerd in his class who had his own language.. when he needed to go to the loo to pee, instead of asking for permission to go toilet, he would say, "Juice! Juice! Juice!" And the kids would all understand what he meant but the teacher would really go pass him a packet of fruit juice.. wahahahaha:)

Anyway, the other day, while we were in Juicy Couture's outlet in Dubai's Outlet Mall (which is a mall filled with factory outlets from branded brands... tat is where we bought a REAL $20 sing Liverpool Jersey that made Max super duper happy)

And all of a sudden while we were inside the JC shop, Ace started shouting, "Juice! Juice! Juice!"

And because Max did not read the book... like the teacher, he DIDN'T get it and told Ace, "No Ace, it is JUICY... not JUICE..."

Wahahahaha.. so I told Max that Ace meant he needed to go to the loo and so his dad brought him to toilet...

So now, whenever Ace needs to go toilet, he will say he wants to JUICE.. so the other day, in the car, we discussed what will be the CODE for wanting to go poop.. after a round of selections, we settled on CHOCOLATE....

Max says though, that it means if Ace says he wants to eat chocolate, we will feed him poo.. wahahahha.. Ace was so tickled by this he bent over while laughing... oh well, kids just love to luff at these things:)

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