Saturday, October 29, 2011

Ace Wins Some Awards

Remember in the assembly post where I mentioned, that during assembly every week, different kids will recieve aknowledgement for good things they might have done in the week?

The first one Ace recieved was a special award for settling down in Horizon and making friends some one week after he started school... how cool is that?:P

I am proud to announce that since then, Ace has collected a second certificate of achievement...

I have often wondered wat is their judging criteria and whether they are doing it because they try to find reason to give different kids awards throughout the semester to encourage them or are they really giving it out because the kids are really doing a fantastic job...

Anyway, Ace recieved an award for collecting, recording and interpreting information about buildings in Dubai.... I knew this few weeks their theme is UAE and they have been doing different things about the UAE like building their own souks, etc...

According to Ace, only two children in his class got the award this week. The other child got it for something else and he is the only one who got the award for this... wah.. I dam proud and happy for him:) hehehe...

I think he was given the award probably really because he was really doing well.. because we were driving and we drove past this building next to an mrt station and I just casually mentioned that this seems to be the Emirates Building station... and Ace immediately corrected me, "It's not Emirates Building, mummy.. that is Emirates Tower.. I studied about it..."

And then he went on to tell me about Dubai Mall, Burj Khalifa and also Burj Al Arab...

Impressive!:P I am looking forward to when he gets yet another certificate!:)


This is a Emirates Tower building that Ace made for his UAE project..:)

Previous Post: Ice Kachang In Dubai!

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