Saturday, October 08, 2011

Swing It, Baby!

The last time we visited Dubai, I noticed Ace took a little bit of interest in things like the kick scooter and also the skateboard....

However, everytime he tried it, it seemed to me like he was a little scared of falling down... most of the the time he can't even get both of his legs up on the scooter...

Fast forward to almost 9 months later when we were back in Dubai again... somehow Max decided that Ace should either learn to ride a bike or learn to ride a kick scooter... after testing Ace, it seems he is more interested in the wave board...

In order to get him even more interested and motivated enough to start learning, Max showed him some youtube clips of some cool moves he could make on the wave board...

After Ace saw it, he really liked it and so one fine weekend, me, Max, Ace and two of our friends in Dubai went to the super big Dragon Mart to search for THE kickscooter.

As this was an agreement between Max and Ace, I din really care much for the details and din know the details.. I only knew Max agreed to buy Ace one.. but only when I reached there and walking through half of dragon mart and seeing Ace shaking his head at all the kick scooters did I realize that they seem to have agreed on an exact design or type of kick scooter...

And despite our good efforts to trudge through the whole of the super long mart, Ace just kept saying that it was not the design that he had in mind... he mentioned though that he has seen it in Mirdiff centre (which is very very far away from where we were and far away from where we stay) and so we told him we will eat dinner (as it is late already) and go the next day..

The not so happy Ace went into a tantrum... and Max told him that if he behaved, we will go diera centre if we had time after dinner... so Ace grudgingly stopped whining.

After dinner, our friends decided to go home.. after we sent our friends home, Max says there seems to be time to go to Mirdiff centre and Ace's mood made a 360 degrees turnabout lor.. suddenly he was all smiles and there is a twinkle in his eyes and he was all happy and nice AGAIN... (bah, show me black face over some stupid kick scooter..

Anyway, Ace said, "I saw it at the sports shop like carrefour one..." so we knew he was referring to Decathalon.. the carrefour of sports equipment... we went there and there were so many kick scooters... and when Ace looked at them, he realized they were all exactly as the same that he saw at Dragon Mart and he looked really disappointed..

Max says he already knew this was going to happen because he suspected that the PERFECT scooter in Ace's mind was just a figment of his imagination.. it was how he chose to remember it.. and not what it really looked like..

The turning point came when the store assistant ask if he would like to try. He looked at Ace's height and age and recommended a swing scooter... and before you can say 1,2,3, Ace was on it and swinging like a pro lor... so you bet he liked it very much.. plus it was using the wave board type of technology that makes it slide.. and it is three wheels, so quite stable.. so Max figured if Ace wants to do waveboard, this is something like stage 1 training for him... (It looked so easy tat even me, the scardiest cat of all also tried it.. hee hee)

A quick check at the price check made us realize it was something like double our original budget but of cos it was of far better make and quality lah...

When we told Ace it was too ex.. he threw a fit right there and then.. which is rare... cos he usually understands and will just be disappointed... so max sat him down and the two of them had a talk about value of money...

Max, wanting to buy something safer and also sick of the trudging around all over again to find something better promised Ace that if we walked around in Mirdiff, and we find something better or cheaper, we will take it.. if not, we will come back here to buy this... because it is important not to waste money and find good value in the money we paid...

We spent the next two hours walking around the mall and realized tat this product is sold almost in all sports shops or toy shops but they were selling for a much higher price everywhere else.... one place that sold it at almost double the price we saw in Decathalon told us that was already their sale price.... so leh, we went back and bought the swing scooter at Decathalon in the end and even bought some Mr Men books that were on sale in Borders...

So needless to say, Ace was all smiles after that and happy that he has so many presents. Max was also happy that his son is finally satisfied and also he secretly would like to play with that too... and what did mummy get after trudging around so many malls and having to face Ace's black face and bearing the most of his wrath (since he has to be nice to his dad who promised to buy him things) the whole afternoon??


hai.....pai miah ah.... :P

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