Friday, November 18, 2011

Ace's Bra-ry "Creative" New Game

Ace recently got VERY CREATIVE...

Perhaps he was really bored of all the toys he has in Dubai ( I had made sure I brought a large assortment and he is still constantly collecting NEW toys here) or maybe he was just INSPIRED or what...

These few days, as I have been sick.. I mostly lets him do what he wants because I do not have the extra energy to force him to sit down to do work... besides, I am also always bz with my own things either uploading things on this blog or preparing to cook dinner in the kitchen.. so he has alot of free time to himself...

As we currently live in a one bedroom apartment, Ace sleeps with us. One of his favourite past times in the afternoon is to disappear into the bedroom for a long time and play make believe games with his group of carebears, angry bird and piglet soft toys. Sometimes he makes belive tat the bears are the pigs and shoots them with the angry red bird. Sometimes he make believes that they are all on a spaceship going for an adventure. Sometimes it is a case of police and thieves with certain softoys being the police and others becoming the robber. I always walk into the room to find a different scenerio.

This particular one day, he disappeared in the bedroom for a long time. Since it was normal for him to do that, I didn't think on checking on him.. even though i must say tat whenever Ace disappears and becomes quiet for a long time, it is USUALLY NOT A GOOD SIGN.. it usually means he is up to some mischief...

Anyway, fast forward till dinner is over and Ace helped me fold the clothes properly.. so I had to go and pack them into the cupboards... when I pulled open my bedroom door.. I was stunned...

There between the door and my cupboard lay my brasseries.. all lined into a straight line... linked together with rubber bands just like a Zero Point Rubber Band rope. For a moment, I really didn't know whether to laugh or cry...

"Ace Chua! Come here..." And Ace scampered into the room.. when he saw the bras and looked at my face, his face froze into a "oh no, I am so fucked" look.

I asked Max to come into the room to take a look but my good husband was looking at some soccer news and said to hold on. "No, no.. you come in NOW.." I told him...

And as his daddy walked slowly from the living room, Ace's frozen face showed even more fear. from "Oh, I am so fucked"... it became "DAM! I AM A GONER!" look.

When Max saw the whole arrangement.. he also dunno whether to laugh or cry. But he couldnt help it and burst out laughing and only when Ace saw his dad laugh, he started to breathe again and laughed along with his dad.

So I told him NEVER to play with my bras as he would spoil them and they are very expensive. I asked him to promise never ever to do that again and he sheepishly agreed.

On a side note, I posted this on my FB status and hor, MY GOOD FRIENDS all laughed and say Ace is very creative and very funny lor... you girls wait till you have children or when your children grow to this age lor.. Hahaha:)

Previous Post: Number One Best Friend

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