Wednesday, November 30, 2011

I Am From Horizon School

Apparently, the Karang Guni trait is not the ONLY.. ahem.. thing he inherited from me. Sigh...

The other day, I told Ace we had to go to the supermarket to buy some veggies as i needed some more long beans to make my veggie curry. And that was when I picked him up from the school bus. I gave him the option of going immediately or going after he has his snack and since he was hungry, he opted to go after his snack.

Anyway, it was a monday and so he was in his PE attire which is just white t shirt with white pants. Apparently the school uniform shop ran out of PRINTED shirts with thier school logo and the children have taken to wearing just white tshirts... So I told him as it was a quick errand, there is no need to change out of his clothes.. since there was no school logo...

"But, then people will know I am wearing a uniform..." he insisted. I repeated that there was no logo and no one is going to KNOW that he is wearing a uniform or that he is from Horizon School and after thinking for a few seconds.. he happily said, "Ok..." and then instead of proceeding to wear his shoe, he took out a pencil and a piece of paper and started doodling..

WHen I walked closer to see what he was drawing, he proudly showed me this sign that he makes.. It says, "Horizon School, HS" and has Ace's big smiley face on it.

"Why are you drawing this?" I asked him.

"I want to bring this out so that everyone knows that I am from Horizon School..." he beamed proudly. Just seconds ago, he was worried that people might know this is a uniform and now he is happily telling the whole world he is from Horizon School with a home made sign? Dunno what this boy is thinking man...

Anyway, I let him be lor.. so he walked around with this sign in front of him like a cuckoo... HAHA!

At least though, I think he is very proud of his school.. wahahaha..

So what has this got to do with inheriting anything from me?

You see.. when I was 14 or 15, I was made school prefect and to me, that was like the greatest honour. I really treasured my prefectorial badge and even wanted to be on duty and for people to know I am prefect even when I am "off duty" after school hours... so much so that when my mum wanted to bring me to the market to buy something... I secretly pinned my prefectorial badge on the pocket of my skirt... WAHAHAHAHA!

Okie.. at least i was subtle lor.. not carrying a big sign and walking around grinning like a cuckoo.. even though to be honest, if i saw someone doing the same thing now.. I would also think that person is out of her mind.. wahahahaha;)

Anyway, I think it is a good sign that Ace really loves Horizon School. While I am so happy that he loves his school and I think it is his good fortune to have found such a school and to enjoy his early years in such a happy, relaxed environment (instead of the stressed environment in Singapore), I do long to go back to Singapore. But when I think of how happy he is, I think maybe.. just maybe.. it is ok to stay on for a little while longer so that Ace can enjoy a little longer...

That being said, whenever I read email from friends, see pictures of singapore food.. i still miss home.... writing this here made me actually miss my mum... and I had a long sleepless night....

Previous Post: Karang Guni Ace

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