Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Visit to Singapore Consulate In Dubai

I was told there is some sort of charity bazaar being held in the Singapore Consulate and so, after 6 months in Dubai, I finally get a chance to visit the consulate of Singapore in Satwa...

The building is just like a typical huge bungalow and had a nice big garden, just nice for a bazaar...

There was food being sold and games to play.. Ace was totally focused ONLY on games and did not seem to understand why me and Max kept walking in circles around the food area.. wahahha..

In the end, Max told Ace he would give Ace 20 dirhams and he can decide how he want to use it and what games he wanted to play.

Within like 5 minutes, Ace played a few different games and finished using all his money! wahahaahaha... so we told him no more games... and he grumbled and grumbled.. so I explained to him that this is a training of how to manage your money. He could have gone and found out what each game cost and factor in which one he wanted to play most instead of just spending it on whatever he saw first... so too bad for him because we are NOT giving him more money for any more games.. and he sulked...

And even though we bought him a pandan cake.. (which he kept saying he wanted to eat since we came back from Singapore), he still sulked..

Finally, Max relented and said he would give him another 10 to do art and craft. Again, my son plunge head first into the first thing he saw instead of thinking how to spend the money properly.
There was a choice of 10 dirhams for a pencil holder made of paper or 15 actually for a vase... he chose the pencil holder which I felt was more boh hua but then I think it is more useful...

The pencil holder turned out to be a great choice cos it took A LONG TIME to put it together.. it occupied him for like half an hour at least:) Hahahahaaha

And he is quite creative:) It looks quite nice right?

After this was done though, we finally found a win win solution tat was FREE! We let him help out at one of the game stores.. he made a friend there and he got to help out and play games for free when there are no other customers around.... and he didnt annoy us and we were free to hang around with our friends and chit chat.. hahahaahha..

"Should have done this right from the start!" exclaimed Max. And Ace was so happy there, he and the friend he made there (son of the person who was running the store) promised each other that they will meet again next year at this event again! wahahaha.. But when I asked Ace what was the boy's name, our good friend say he doesn't know!:)

Anyway, we were a little disappointed with the bazaar cos other than the satay and satay sauce, the other foods were not really quite up to standard.. i think I make at home also taste nicer leh:) wahahahah.. see, now can cook liao can hao lian liao:) wahahaha.. But well, it is nice though to see lots of Singaporeans, Malaysians and Indonesians gather at one place though:)

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