Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Who Loved You Most

When I was a little girl, I remembered being curious about how my parents met and why they got married.. and I was told that my mum and dad were matchmade by my aunty (my dad's eldest bro's wife) and my mum's boss.. who were friends...

And then they dated for a while and dunno how.. or why... my dad asked my mum if she wanted to apply for a flat.. and the rest, they say, is history lor:) They got married and on their wedding night concieved me...Not much romance or wat.. hahahaha.

So I am not surprised when Ace will randomly ask me about how I met Max and how we got together and I would tell Ganma Karen is our matchmaker....

But the other day, out of the blue, Ace asked me some very interesting questions...

"Mummy, can I ask you a question?"

"OK, go ahead.." I said.

"Can you tell me about the people who fall in love with you?"

"You mean talk about my ex boyfriends?"

"Yeah.."Gee, when I was a young girl, it never crossed my mind that my mother had other boyfriends other than my dad and I never ever thought of asking this question before!

"What do you want to know?" I asked him...

"Who loved you most?" Ace asked me with a serious look on his face... I was stunned for a moment and wondered what in the world made him ask me such a question..

"Of course is Daddy lah.. " I told him.. And I explained that I married Max because he loved me most:)

"I mean other than daddy lah.." he continued.. which made me even more shocked:) wahahahaha.. this is getting interesting. I thought awhile about how I should approach this one and decided that like my primary school teacher, Mrs Lee Hon Eng always said, :"Honesty is the best policy..."

"Well," I explained... "They all love me in different ways and show their love in different ways. So it is not easy to compare..." And Ace asked me how do they show their love to me...

So I told him that before his dad, I had four other boyfriends:) Hahaha... first one shows me love by paying for me when we go out and buying me present even though he does not have alot of money cos we were poor students then. He also listened to me and support me when I am unhappy....

And then my second boyfriend well, also showed me love by bringing me to eat lots of good food and driving me around and driving me home from work and taking good care of me...

And then my third boyfriend did so buy buying me lots of expensive presents and flowers... and bringing me to nice restaurants to eat nice food...

"Oh man, shit man!" Ace said when he heard about the expensive presents and flowers... (I think he is rooting for his dad.. wahahahah)

"Why did he buy you expensive presents? Ace asked me.

"Because he is very rich lah.. and that is how he choose to show his love.." I replied.

And Ace got very interested in the rich boyfriend and asked me why is this person rich.. is it because he is a business man and what car does he drive.. blah blah blah.. I told him this person drives a BMW and yes, he is rich because he runs his own business...

"Wah.... I want to be rich when I grow up.. I want to drive a nice car like that.." Ace said with an envious gleam in his eye..

So I explained to him that while it is nice to have money and money can let the people you love enjoy a little more things in life and you can buy nice things for the people you love.. but when it comes to a relationship like a marriage or love... it is never just about money.. and cannot be just about how rich the other person is... the most important thing is still LOVE..

"And that is why I chose Daddy... because even though he is not the richest, but he is the one who loves me most.. and i love him most... " I explained to Ace and Ace giggled when he heard this..

"So, why do you ask me about this all of a sudden?" I asked him..

"Oh, I just wanted to know what happened to you in the past because I am worried that you were in danger or that your ex boyfriends did not treat you good.."

Hahahahahahaha.. so sweet:) My son is an interesting young lad, isn't he?

Previous Post: I Give Money To My Friends

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