Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Food Experiments In May

Compared to travelling in April, the month of May is a slower month and so, I had more time to do food experiments.. which i feel deserve a post of their own:)

Since summer is approaching, it is time to make more popsicles.... made black bean popsicles (from the leftovers after making black bean milk) and lemon pepsi flavour :)

I have always wondered how they made the butter rice that I adore in Fish & Co... And I discover by chance! I was looking at the tonnes of stuff that my friend, Charlotte passed to me and wondering what to do with the tumeric.. decided to make tumeric rice and it tasted just like how I remembered the butter rice to be! Yummy.. cept they also added raisins... Then since I had the premix, I also made veg butter chicken and Max's fav hong shao bittergourd:)

Tried to make sambal fried rice since i had lots of sambal chilli in the fridge. My mistake was tat i forgot to check how hot the sambal chilli is and I added a little bit too much.. Max was sweating like crazy and I was hanging my tongue out all the time.. hahahahaha... Only Ace was safe since I made something else for him...

Max bought some wanton skins when he went back to Singapore and i did not know wat to do with it. I made Red Oil Wanton with Vinegar Dressing 红油抄手 cos i saw a receipe in Munch Ministry... and to my surprise, Ace loved it too even though it was spicy! And he kept requesting for me to make again.. I think I am going to make the sauce and just use it on the ready made dumplings i have in my fridge the next time... Until I posted this picture on FB, i did not know tat this is a famous dish and a favourite of many of my frens cos I have never eaten or tasted this before!:) wahahaha

While we were in China, my bestie bought me and Max some snacks she said could only be found in China... there is spicy peanuts and all sorts of strange flavoured beans.. and even one is lor chup flavour!:) The spicy peanuts had those chinese peppercorns inside them... Max contemplated using them to make soup cos he liked it tat the spicy peppercorns made his tongue numb for a while.. to our pleasant surprise, we found similar beans in the chinese supermart we frequent and have since added them to our daily snack list:)

Was time to make snack for Ace but I had only one piece of bread left.. since that is the case, I just applied mayo and tomato ketchup and rolled it up with a veg hot dog and then coat with egg and panfry on my Happy Call Pan.. the end result is good and Ace loves it too:) Will do this again soon... yummy and easy..

Had to make snack again and I did not have any bread left.. out of desperation, it became a put whatever I have in my fridge snack... so it was Prata (the frozen type), with ketchup, veg ham and mushrooms and cheese:)

Had a few potatoes sitting around and did not know wat to do with them.. since I had some sour cream, decided to make rosti for lunch:) YUMS!;)

This is Korean food month.. hahaha.. I bought some Korean Hot Pepper sauce and some kimchi and then it was korean food all the way.. first and foremost my fav bibimbap!:)

Max and Ace loved it too:) But Ace only had ketchup in his version.. still, he loved it;)

How delightful:)
Found another receipe for rosti using HCP and realized that actually it is quite easy to cook rosti using HCP.. just few minutes on each side and I am done!:)

Since I had kimchi, decided to make kimchi fried rice... but Max complained it is not salty or spicy enough.. maybe need to add the hot pepper sauce.. but the reciepe din call for it. tat is why I din add it... But did you know kimchi fried rice has butter in it? so strange....

Came about this japanese pizza receipe by chance and since it was easy to make it using the HCP, I had a go at it.. made a portion and ate half for lunch and saved the other half for Ace to eat as snack:)

He loved it.. wolfed it down in like two minutes!:)

Kimchi and hot pepper sauce is also a basic ingredient for Kimchi toufu soup.. another of our favs at korean restaurants... visiting these restaurants are going to be less fun now tat we can make these dishes at home too... But of cos even though I thought my second try was pretty decent (I burnt the hot pepper sauce in my first try and it din taste very good...) But of course, the soup as the restaurant is better.. probably cos they have better quality kimchi.. the one tat we bought is not really very tasty...

Another one of our hobbies here is going to a cafe to order a coffee and a cake. If it were up to Ace, he will most certainly order a chocolate cake. BUT, if it were up to Max, he will almost always order a cheesecake.. which was why after all the baking I did, Max requested for a cheesecake..

This one hor is really not easy.. cos the first and formost is when I went shopping for ingredients, I discovered that Dubai does not sell Philladephia Cream Cheese! Dam! I cannot use cheesespread since I googled and they say you cannot replace it... luckilly, I found a thread in a expat forum in dubai and someone mentioned tat you can actually use this cheese called KIRI.. which is a local brand of cream cheese...  (I found out later there is another brand of cream cheese tat is a local brand too...)

But leh, i went to read the receipe wrongly.. and so leh, I used only a quarter of the correct amt of cheese.. the cake turned out to be too bloody sweet.. only Ace loves the cake.. max couldnt stomach more than two pieces!

But since this is Max's favourite receipe and we already spent money on the cake tin, I do or die also have to bake a proper cheesecake...

Despite following instructions to the T, my cheesecake cracked.. so tat is the mei zhong bu zu.. but when I complained to my son, Ace said, "That's no problem, mummy.. i am happy to eat a cheesecake with a crack..."

Anyway, the good news is tat hor, after one day in the freezer, the cake is super yummy lor! Tastes just like what you will get in the cafes!:) sedap!

Max cannot believe his taste buds!

Sprinkled some chocolate sauce for Ace and this became his new found favourite.. wahaha:)

I figure that is enough food experiments for a month... :D

Previous Post: My Little Monkey

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