Thursday, May 31, 2012

May 2012 In Dubai

This is again going to be a random post for me to remember and recall all the things that happened this month...
That's my Mother's Day present from Ace:) guess where in learnt it from? He learnt it from his school bus conductor.. he was bored and as Ace was the only person on the bus, he taught Ace how to make this flower and Ace figured you could write a secret message inside the piece of paper you rolled up as a stem.. sweet:)

Ace's ambition is to be a spy.. But I did not know that he has his spy name (FOX) and his spy numbebr and also his spy skill (SPEED) all thought out.. he told me he started a spy club amongst his friends and that he is the spy boss... He asked one of his spy team members to make this card for him.. hahaha.. no wonder I was thinking how come the writing and drawing style doesnt seem like his style.. it is done be a boy who is two years older... his classmate's elder brother. I wonder though why someone who is nine is willing to let someone who is 7 be the spy boss:)

Remember Ace reciting The Very Hungry Caterpillar?That is a BIG and a small caterpillar that he made in school...

I was very boh liao that day.. and as I was talking to Ace, I realized that his eye lashes are really beautiful.. so I took a picture of it.. then I got into a discussion with Max about whose eyelashes are longer and Max insisted that his are longer while I think that Ace's lashes are longer, thicker and curlier and so nicer.. thank god Ace has his long lash dad.. look at my short lashes.. I never could understand why my son's lashes are so long:) wahahaha

That is my neighbour's daughter... as she likes to play with my iphone.. she asked me to take a picture with her using the iphone.. wahahaha:) I must be a huggy kissy monster magnet though.. My son loves to hug and kiss.. remember how I said that his Singapore school bus mate Matt Matt likes to hug me as well? Well, this little girl likes to hold my hand and hug me and just use me as a pillow too.. hahahaha... Since young though, children just like to come near me even though I was never very good with them.. hahaha..

That is my son surprising me by using a very Ang Moh expression of showing how nice his food is... he said "Awe---some!!!!!" together with this sign... I wonder if he learnt it from TV or from school...

I put this up on Facebook and got people to guess what this company sells.. lots of people guessed oil, clothes.. one even guessed husbands... hahahaha.. but you never would have guessed that they sell specs...

My son has continued to play with our neighbour.. these two kids are really cute.. they both wanted to play with Ace's swing scooter and so they came up with an idea to share it.. and in order to make it move.. they got to shape their hips in unison.. hilarious! wahahahaa

If you cannot afford an LV issue.. get a LV lookalike cup:)

When for a sister's day out with some girlfriends here in dubai.. and realized that you can actually go up close and personal if to the fish tank in Dubai Mall if you go round the back... Really, why do people pay to go inside to see the fish when you can get a clear view here FREE!:)

That is my pride and joy showing me his essay tat was pasted on the Star Writer Wall. I must say it is quite an interesting story and I am surprised at the amount of spelling he spelt correctly;)

Another sandstorm.. indication that the weather is going to turn much warmer.. to my surprise though, he became really cool and pleasant for about three days.. and thankfully, it happened over the weekend.. alas, all good things have to come to an end, it is now back to 44 degrees Celsius.. really can melt!

A little Korean hot pepper sauce can go a long, long way.. now tat we have this at home, we can do bi bim bap, kimchi soup... YUMS:)

Our useless 3D glasses that we got at DINO LIVE exhibition tat we attended.. We found out though if u used them on normal TV hor, the TV characters sort of become 3D too.. only downside is i think they are not really good for your eyes..

Saw this while supermart shopping and for a moment, I thought Tiger Beer had a new packaging...

Found these choy san Oyster Sauce... right beside the normal ones.. they look the same to me leh. I wonder if people buy this because after you fry veg with this and eat it.. u will huat huat huat or will win 4D or wat...

Another hilarious mandarin-english translation JOKE I found on the back of a packet of food tat I bought from the chinese supermart..

Step 1: ignore the chinese words
Step 2: Read ONLY the English words
Step 3: Make a guess about what they are trying to say.

Step 4: now read the Chinese words for the answers to compare...

- 4 out of 4 right: you are a freaking genius!
- 3 out of 4 right: you must be a chinglish expert!
- 2 out of 4 right: your England is quite powderful!
- 1out of 4 right: I think it was a lucky guess;)
- 0 out of 4 right: don't worry. IT'S NORMAL!;)

Asked Max to share his big packet of Cheetohs with me..and tat is how much he gave me:(

Ace has found yet another way to be popular with girls.. because he loves to fold things and remembers how to fold this and that, he has been quite taken with folding these things.. I folded them too when I was in primary school.. you wrote colours and numbers on them and opened and close them only to have a secret message inside.. amazing how 30 years later, children in another part of the world are playing the same games i did!:)

Anyway, the girls are so taken at how nicely he folded these and has requested for him to fold it for them:) wahahah

I am so going to go on a fruit frenzy when I am back in Singapore! It has been a long, long time since I had cherries, papaya, mango, etc.. not that they are not available here.. but they are bloody ex.. two boxes of this can buy my family a decent and very filling meal at many of the restaurants we frequent!

This is Ace's idea of how we look like.. I think he drew Max very well.. really look like Max.. but leh, Max says I look like xiao char boh...

Saw this really nice car on the streets but cannot understand why the driver go and ZHNG the car and make it so ugly... like tat really the car can go faster meh? or maybe the car can fly????

Previous Post: Food Experiments In May

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