Sunday, May 20, 2012

Wish Bone

Thank god for Wikipedia!:)

Ace has a new hobby.. reading books either from Horrible Histories or Horrible Science.. And I must say these books that present facts in an interesting way are pretty good.. I myself quite enjoy reading them aloud to Ace.

The other day, while we were in the car, Ace was reading his Horrible Science library book about the human body and was reading the part about bones... so he asked me what is a "wish bone"..

I told him I dunno.. I only know that humans don't have a wish bone...

"Is it a bone that you make a wish on it and then your wish can come true?" he asked me...  I told him I don't know and so proceeded to use the iphone to google for wish bone..

I found the wikepedia entry and Ace said he wanted to read it himself...  All the reading he has done has really helped! He can read long passages by himself without much help from me already!:) yipee!

So he read himself and then he told me that the wishbone is a bone in a bird or a dinosaur.. (did you know tat dinos were ancestors of the birds???) and that it is also called a thanksgiving bone and that if you pulled the bone with another person and broke it into two.. your wish will come true...

I am very happy that Ace has made much progress in this area..

Anyway, the other day, he tried to whatsapp my sister and was actually able to type many long sentences by himself without my help and he got all the spelling right too:)

In fact, Ace just told us that  that his essay was put on the Star Writer Wall.. I am so proud of him!:)

Previous Post: Goodbye, Habibi!

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