Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Blu Tack Sperm

What sort of boy makes a sperm out of blu tack?

My guess is one that is well educated in the science of birds and bees:) wahahahaha.. (and I am mighty pleased about that cos tat falls into my department when it comes to education)

Since last week, Ace found this lump of blue tack from dunno where.. and he has been playing with it like a plasticine... he has been making tonnes of things, rolling it, shaping it and having lots of fun with it. Whenever he is quiet by himself, I would check if he is up to some mischief and chances are, he would be making something from that lump of blu tack.

The other day i was happily doing my translation and my son suddenly showed me the above and said, "Mummy, nah.. sperm..."

Hahahahahaha....  Hilarious! Especially to discover eyes and mouth when I did explain to him later that sperms don't have eyes after he asked me whether sperms have eyes when someone we knew was pregnant..

The best part is the way he said it was like so nonchalant.. after I took picture of it and said i am going to post picture of it in my FB cos it is very cute, he took it back and rolled into a ball and told me, "This is the egg..."

Then he took it back and twist and roll it and said he is going to make me a ring...

swee boh?

Anyway, I guess it means that my sexual education on him is successful!:) wahahahahaha But maybe he has got the order wrong.. should do the ring thing for a girl first before let the sperm swim to the egg.. wahahahaha...

Anyway, he is really a creative little boy!:)

Talking about creative, Ace came home that day with two pictures he did during art class... BOTH PICTURES were pictures of his NAME... how narcissistic ..

I asked him why all the pictures has his BIG NAME inside and he just calmly and cooly said, "Because I like lah.."


Anyway, i like the brightly colored one.. quite artistic I think:)

Previous Post: Fighting Parents

1 comment:

  1. Angel + MAx:

    My guess is, your hero is gonna 'Ace' his life like nobody's biz, especially when it comes to starting a family....! =)
