Monday, November 05, 2012

What Is Their Problem Man?!

I was both impressed and amused at Ace's logic. 
 He came home with his snack half uneaten cos he was in no mood to eat as he was "upset" in class because he said he was humming to himself while doing work because it helps him concentrate and someone else tried to ask him to shut up because he is causing them to lose concentration..
"What is their problem.. last time Mrs Simms our relief teacher also played music while we did our work. Also music mah, they can do their work then and they cannot do their work now... what is their logic.. what is their problem man..." he complained angrily to me. 
 I laughed and explained to him that pop music that a teacher plays is different from HUMMING your own song to yourself.. 
Then I gave him a lesson on human behavioural science and explained about people who are visuals, auditory and kinestetic...

You see, everyone recieves and digests information differently. Some people are visuals. When you want to present a piece of information to them, you will need to draw it out or show them a video.. and let them see it to understand what you are talking about. visuals are people who usually speak fast, are animated and talks with gestures.. and they tend to like to use the words "I see" in their conversation.

Then, the other type would be the auditory person.. who receives information via listening. They have very very sensitive ears and can pick up what is being said all across the room in whispers and because of that, they do not usually like loud noises and may sometimes turn their ears to you when you speak instead of looking at you. I explained to Ace that for people like these, it is very distracting to have someone singing while they are doing their homework. I used his dad as an example cos Max is auditory when he is driving.. that is the reason why he cannot stand it when people talk loudly in his car or if Ace cries in his car...

Then of cos there is the kinesthetic person who likes to use the words "I feel".. they are feeling people and respond to information based on feeling. Usually, a kinestetic person responds much slower to questions as they need to feel and process the information before they can come to a conclusion and express an answer. I once had an ex colleague of mine who was so kine that when i asked a simple question like "Do you want to eat lunch together?" The visual person like me who is used to speaking and thinking quickly can actually go, "one thousand, two thousand, three thousand, four thousand, five thousand.." in my mind before he actually answers.. i literally see him processing the question:) Therefore it is no surprise that when the feeling is right, this colleague or mine married a person he met for two weeks!:)

Then I had to give Ace examples of who is wat mode in our family.. he found it quite fun and he finally understood he might really be making a nuisance of himself:) wahahaha...

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