Monday, December 31, 2012

Liverpool Match At Barrels

Ace has been all excited because his dad said he is going to bring Ace to a Liverpool match during his school holidays just like what they did in Singapore...

When I was making his lunch for him.. he said not to cook too much dinner tonight... reason being "We are going to eat when we watch the liverpool match... WE ALWAYS EAT SOMETHING when we watch the match.." he said..

Wah lau, as if he goes and watch the match very often with his dad...

Anyway, made him a light lunch and also served a light dinner that night as per his wishes...

Arrival at Barrels:)

Max had a beer while Ace just had a sprite:)

"We ALWAYS eat something.." so got to order some food right?

Ace was mostly eating.. Max was the only one watching the match.. me, I was just whatsapping my sister and eating:) wahahahahah

Happy that Liverpool has a goal:)

Lonely figure of Max's fellow pub regular. When we had arrived, Max was telling me he wanted to intro me to this couple who are really old and like his parents.. they always talk to him and say hello to him and give him a hug when they see him... Alas, when "they" arrived, only the man walked in.. turned out that his wife had suddenly found a blood clot near her brain after she complained of a headache.. and now, she cannot even talk.. and because she is in her 70s, it is also quite dangerous to do an operation. The old gentleman was later joined by a friend and also his son.. As I sat there, I could feel the vibes of sadness and helplessness coming out from them.. Max felt really bad too as he really liked them and had just seen the lady on the 26th when he went to watch a match at the pub... Praying for her and hope she will get better soon... Anyway, this is a gentle reminder that life is fragile.. so treasure the ones you love.. be fillial to your parents and be kind to people around you... no one really knows what is going to happen the next day...

Ace going to ask for some chocolate milk...

I never thought a pub will sell milk lor.. but they did!!!!:)

Mr Milk moustache trying to be funny..

One more before we head home..

And so I guess Ace had fun.. even though I did not watch the match, I had fun too:)

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