Sunday, December 30, 2012

Dentist Visit

Me and Max are cheapos.. we never go to the dentist.. unless we find a good groupon deal:) wahahahahah...

Because Ace has a problem with some black stains that always comes back no matter how many times we let him wash his teeth at the dentist, we try to go and get his teeth washed periodically whenever there is a good groupon deal and the other day, a good deal come up and so we decided to buy it...

Alas, Ace kept dropping this teeth and that teeth.. so we had to put it off again and again and the deal was ending end of december and so finally, towards the end of the year, we found a chance to go there..

Too bad though, his dad had to work that day, so we arranged to take the metro to the nearest metro before his dad will pick us up there and send us to the dentist as he was working nearby...

Saw the Burl Al Arab reflect two rays of lights while on the metro...

Wondered if it is something special...

But it seems only it is only visible when I am at that particular stretch.. when I tried to take picture again later, I couldnt see the rays of lights anymore..

When I arrived at MOE, I realized that I had read the clock wrongly and we were sort of one hour early! So leh, we walk around the mall and try to find a place to waste time..

We finally ended up in borders and so I started reading magazines while Ace entertained himself with the toys there...

Then it was time for the dentist visit.. this is how Ace looked like when he first stepped into the room... he said he was not looking forward to this and that he was afraid of pokey stuff... and that his last experience had been a little painful...

Thank goodness we met a very patient dentist who has children of her own... so she talked to Ace and when she noticed that Ace was wearing a super heros t shirt, she asked who did he like best... Ace said it was Kai from The Avengers and she said she liked him too.. and then asked him what Kai did.. Ace said Kai shot arrows and he liked him because he would like to shoot arrows too because that was very cool...

So the dentist, being very patient asked Ace what he must do to become like his favourite hero, Kai... and they agreed that first is that he has to take archery lessons.. but before that, he has to make sure he is strong and healthy.. and so he has to exercise and eat healthy food...and in order to be able to eat healthy, he has to make sure his teeth are healthy.. and that is why we are here to clean it:)

So finally Ace is willing to sit in the chair... and lie down.. but then he starts to delay time by asking what is this, what is that... same story as the last time.. he also asked for goggles... and repeatedly asked if it will be painful and whether the dentist will use the pokey things in his mouth.. etc..

And after like 30 minutes of talk... finally he smiled and was willing to lie down..and I had to sit beside him to hold his hand....

And then I had to be a cheerleader and encourage him to open his mouth big and wide and then.. when he fidgeted, I reminded him that if he took a long time, there will be not enough time for me to do my teeth as well and immediately he went back to position and the dentist commented, "your son really loves you very much..."

Finally he was done and then it was my turn:) I pretended to ask what is this and what is that to make fun of him... and then I told Ace, "I am pretending to be like you.. so that you know how I feel..."

During my teeth cleaning, I screamed because the dentist was trying to dig out a piece of plaque and it was quite painful... and then Ace laughed at me and said, "Mummy, now you know how I feel.." hahahahah
After that it was time to have lunch:) That is Ace with his white teeth:)

After lunch, we decided to hang around and wait for Max to knock off.. so we walked around the mall... saw this beautiful sofa...

Looks and feels like one is sitting in a garden lor:)

Ace was very excited to discover a swing and so we swing to and fro for a while..

Saw many lovely things and it makes me have the desire to like decorate a house or something:)

We even saw a red version of the mask chair we saw at JBR...

How would you like a typewriter.. that CANNOT TYPE?:) wahahaha... But it is great tat Ace saw it though because he has NEVER seen those ribbon type of typewriters in his entire life.. too bad the keys dun move or I could show him how it works..,.

Then we went back to Borders again so I can sit down and read magazines while Ace continued to entertain himself:)

As you can tell.. he was having a great time!:)

I didn't know nowadays you can PICNIC in bookshops!

Then had some time to spare before Max came to fetch us and walked around some more and saw this interesting display in debeers... instead of a real candle, they used an ipad! Somemore the candle can be blown out and relit one!

Tadah, relit liao!

While walking out to wait for his dad, Ace saw some really nice cars and asked me to take photo of him with the cars...

Looks quite cool right?:P
Then we decided to go make a bear for Ace's little cousin, Cayden... because we had a one for one voucher, we could make two bears and Ace insisted tat instead of giving the bear to someone else, he is going to keep it ;)

Ace making a wish and blessing to the little bear's heart:)

Time for a bath...

Now what do we dress the bear in?

Not handsome leh...

Since Cayden born in year of Dragon, we thought dress him in dragon outfit.. but also not nice.. In the end we decided both dun wear clothes... wahahahaha.. Ace found a small singlet at home and decided to donate to his bear home he calls Ace Bear and Cayden's bear, he named Cay..

Happened so that there is some sort of light show outside the mall and so we went to take a look...

Ace had the best seats in the house:)

After tat, Ace said he saw a booth where you can play racing car game and said he wanted to go.. so we went to look for the booth..

Starting, someone very wu sey...

Then start to look a little kan cheong cos he dunno how to control and his car kept going round in circles.. in the end, he failed to even go one round round the track and so he cried.. I told him it is cos he doesnt understand the game and how it works.. he just needed more practice, there is nothing to cry about as crying in this case doenst really help..

I wonder wat sort of world record he is going to break:)

Then we went for dinner at Hard Rock and remember how the waiters always dance? This time round, they did a Gangnam Style!:) wahahaha

I tot Ace will stand up and dance together but he did not..

Tried something new.. not bad, quite yummy:)

But also cannot forget our fav!:)

Ace as usual had his fav mac and cheese..

Then father and son spent the next hour playing our childhood game.. and Ace got to be really good at it..

Then it was time to go... saw these oppa dubai style dolls on our way home.. cute hor:)

And so, that concluded our wonderful day out:)

Previous Post: My Son Thinks That A DSLR Camera Is A Toy

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