Tuesday, April 23, 2013

The Two Of You Same Fatness

The other day, I was making dinner for Ace.

"Mummy, what you cooking for dinner?" Ace asked.

"Today you are eating fried rice..." I replied.

"Then you leh?" He asked.

"I am drinking soup..." I replied.

"Why are you not eating the same thing as me?" He asked.

"I want to lose weight mah... 减肥.." I replied.

Wah lau.. then I dio nag...

"I already ask you to exercise already mah.. you dun want to exercise.. and then you dun eat, what will happen? You will feel very hungry.. and if you feel hungry, it is not good for you and then you will eat more and then you cannot lose weight. Exercise is the best mah.. you already set your prayers, mummy, you have to CHALLENGE YOUR PRAYERS (goal) and go all the way, go and exercise everyday and then you can lose weight like your prayer says..."

Since when hor is the son nag the mother one... SIGH...

Anyway, a few days later, I related this incident to Max.

"Yah, ask mummy to exercise she don't want.. that is why she fat.." Ace said when he overheard.

So Max wanted to rub salt into the wound and say, "Yeah lah.. not like me.. I always exercise.."

To which Ace replied.. "Haiya, you all same fatness lah... "

LOL.. Max din know whether to laugh or to cry.. so gave Ace dagger eyes and "oi oi oi!" him...

Realizing now that anything he say will be wrong, the little PR expert said.. "Well, actually you all is the same amount of fatness.. but because daddy is tall.. so he doesnt look so fat.. and because mummy is shorter, so she look a little fatter.. but actually, both the same fatness lah..."


Really PENGZ I tell you!

Previous Post: Uncle Ryo's Again!

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