Wednesday, April 24, 2013

The Whole World United Together Is Strong!

Ace likes to tell me about things happening in his school when he is back home and eating his lunch after he comes back from school.

Sometimes, I am two minds about whether to engage him in conversation. If I do.. it means he eats very slowly and have very little time left for homework.. if I do not, well, what the heck, there is very little time left to talk also after he finishes eating, homework, bathing, having dinner, reading story books...

So I try to engage him on alternate days lah... this one day, he was telling me about how he and a schoolmate of his are playing with "swords" because they were pretending to be knights..

I didn't want to cut in but I wondered then what they were using as swords...

Ace continued with his story.. and told me that Z, his friend used a ruler as a sword and then cut him on his face and it hurt alot and so he asked Z to stop..

To which Z just laughed and said, "Muahahahahaha! I am the world's strongest person.. you are weak!"

So Ace got fed up and asked Z, "Why must you always be strong? Do you know my face hurts?"

Z said, "Because I am strong! MUAHAHAHAHA!" and continued on laughing and saying that he is the strongest person.. that is.. according to Ace lah..

At this point of the story, Ace asked me, "Mummy, how can Z say he is the strongest person in the world? How can a person by himself be strong? Doesnt he know that if a group of people come together, they will become even stronger than the strongest man? If the whole world united together then is strong!"

I was sort of impressed and asked him who taught him that...

"You lah!"

Hahahaha.. I forget what I tell him sometimes..

I told Max what Ace said and he is suitably impressed...  he asked me why Ace never says this kind of chim things to him..  I guess it is because they talk less to each other and play more bah:)

Previous Post: The Two Of You Same Fatness

1 comment:

  1. Hi Wanjoo! I have nominated you for the Liebster Award. Please check my post at:
