Monday, June 03, 2013

Ace's Class Photos

Time for Ace's class photos again:)
This year the photo like not so in proportion cos I got no time... so just cut and paste anyhow:) wahaha

But still a nice photo lah:) I think his teacher looks way different in the photos:)

This year very lazy to take out watermark.. so leave it as it is lah.. anyway just for you to see for fun onli...

According to Ace, these are his two best friends in class.. the indian boy is T whom he often mentions and the ang moh boy is D.. who never fails to crack him up :) Actually look at his face also know he is class clown and sure to click with Ace:)

The boys insisted that they wanted to take photo with their teacher:) And so they did :)

You cannot tell hor.. but Ace's teacher has a daughter who is in her mid twenties and working already lor!:)

Nice class photos and lovely class.. i wonder how many of the children will be in the same class next year  ;)

Previous Post:  Ravioli Lunch

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