Saturday, June 01, 2013

Ravioli Lunch

Used a rolling pin and made Aace some raviolli today :)

He said he wanted to help with the sauce.. so I let him stir...

Ace's vegeterian Ravioli.. inside I did mock meat and also two diff types of cheese :)

He says it is very good.. he kept asking for more the next day!

Since we were on the topic of food, Ace came home the other day and complained to me that his classmate laughed at his food.

I watched this show called 25 hours.. it is a jap show that teaches you nifty tricks to do things faster... and they always had a segment on cooking.. and this one ep, someone put jam and cheese together and did some sort of sandwhich.. I tried and Ace said it is nice.. after tat i did it rather often because it was so easy to make and fuss free....

But it is new to his friends right and the cherry jam we used is dark coloured and gooey... so, according to Ace, "AL laughed at my food and said it was disgusting...  I am so angry with him!

I asked him then what did he do when AL said the food was disgusting..

"I told him... Do unto others wat you want others to do unto you.. Don't you dare laugh at the food my mother made with love... "

"I am very upset with him.. I think I am not going to talk with him for a month... He said sorry to me but I am still upset.. he is begging me to be his friend again.. but I think he has to be punished!"

Oh my god! Why do I detect some of me and Max's fav phrases to Ace inside??::) wahahahaha.. I told him say sorry liao dun be so xiao qi lah.. AL probably just teasing him onli... he insisted cannot.. must punish him... wahahah...

But I am very proud of him that:
- he stood up against other people
- he could articulate his thoughts so well
- and of cos because HE DEFENDED HIS MUMMY LAH:)

But like all children.. next day they forgot, buried the hachet and be friends again lah  ;)

Previous Post: Dancing King Ace

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