Monday, March 02, 2015

Saying The Wrong Thing At The Wrong Time... Again!

Today, I was out the whole day attending a workshop.

When I had finished, Max came to fetch me and when I got into the car, Max asked Ace to tell me the "story"...

"What story?" I asked.

"You ask him lah, the story is so messy, I cannot make head out of tail of it lor.." Max said.

So I asked Ace what happened.

"I got into trouble in school today.. because I said the wrong thing at the wrong time.." Ace said.

So I asked him if he was talking during lesson time.


And then after some question and answer, I finally made head and tail out of his so called "complicated" story...

Today, during Chinese class, a boy A, tried to borrow a whiteboard from another boy. After he got the white board, he wrote two questions on it and passed it to Ace:

1) Do you like SEX? YES/ NO
2) What is 0+1-0=   (The answer is penis.. and I think u can understand why..)

And Ace was upset that his friend asked him questions about sex and felt like his friend was making fun of him. So he wanted to "revenge" on his friend.

So he wrote back to A... He circled NO for both and and added two equally "sexy" questions for his friend...

1) Do you want some protein? YES/NO
2) Do you think sex is awesome? YES/NO

His friend answered YES for both and then Ace crossed out YES to say NO for the second one and added a remark that "SEX is not awesome.." (Just how do you know, son??????)

Now, recently I have noticed that Ace like to use the words penis and talk about sex freely. When I asked him about it, he told me that his teachers do not care because all his friends talk like that,. Then he told me that his friends like to ask each other if they want some protein..

"Because hor mummy, the word protein means sex in my school.."

I asked him if he understood what that phrase means and he says he doesnt. I thought about it and decided not to explain to him what it means.

I told him that at this age, this topic is not a suitable topic of young boys like him. Because sex is something that happens between two adults who love each other very much. It is something natural and it is not something bad. But it is also something private and special and not meant for frivolous chatter between little boys. It is something.. "serious" and not for making jokes. Especially since they are too young to really understand what it is all about.

I also told him that if his teachers DO know, they will probably not be happy to hear it.

Haha.. dun believe me.. and try his luck right?  不聽老人言,吃虧在眼前!

One KPO classmate got curious and stood up during class to come over and read what they were writing. And because he stood up, he actually got the teacher's attention and so he told the teacher and then in the end, all 3 kenna a BAD scolding...

And then Ace cried throughout the whole class lesson from then on becuase he says when his teacher scold people, it is very fierce one.

I told Ace that whenever his parents give him suggestions or advice, he should consider listening because so many times proven that when we tell him something, it is cos we knew it might happen.. hahaha.. that is why we warn him first:) But he treat our warning like air.. so he kenna lah.

Anyway, I told him most important is that he learnt his lesson lah.

Another lesson I told him that I hope he learnt today is that when his friends do something, and he knows it is not the right thing to do, there is no need for him to engage them or to join in. He can say no. It is perfectly for us to stay in our power to say NO to what is not right or what we think is no good for us.

I will try to find a good chance to talk to him about sex. After thinking through, I think I will explain what it means to have some protein and why it is not something pple should say in public.. or not something to be used as a joke. Probably I will talk to his teacher and hope the school can do their part and educate the boys too.

I am just thankful though that both me and Max are close to Ace and he is willing to share about this with us so that we have a chance to guide him and share with him our experience and knowledge. I do hope his friends have good relationship with their parents too and that their parents have the wisdom to guide them too.

Anyway, I informed his teacher that Ace tells me that most boys have been saying those things freely in school and he said that he will have a talk with the boys about it..

Somehow, after this incident, it no longer seemed cool to be mindlessly chatting about sex and Ace also stopped doing so at home:) Guess it means... LESSON LEARNT!:)

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