World War 4 took place on 23 March during wee hours in the morning.
The result? Ace Chua signing peace treaty with his mummy, Angel, and peacefully sleeping at 5.30am.
For the first time in her life, Mummy Angel wanted to throw Ace into the rubbish bin or maybe just pack him up and keep him in the cupboard. She even contemplated just waking Daddy to pass Ace to him and then run away from home from this creature... this monster.. who just wouldnt let her rest.
It's 4am in the morning. I had an extremely long day and had been rather bz. I finally managed to rest only at 2am and when I was woken up at 4am by crying sounds of Ace, I just wished I could go back to sleep and ignore him.
Daddy had an extremely long week and was extremely tired. So, in order to protect Daddy and let him sleep better, I forced myself to open my eyes, sit up and carry Ace in my arms.
"What is it darling?" I asked him.. even though I knew his intent.
"Mummy rock you back to sleep okay? We will have no milk drinking tonight." And I started to rock him to and fro.
Ace started making muffled sounds and so I started to walk around and I started singing songs to him. Alas, he was getting more demanding...
If I stop walking, he cries...
If I stop singing, he cries...
If I stop rocking, he cries...
Finally, after 15 minutes of WALKING, ROCKING and SINGING, Ace decides to surrender and drifts off into lalaland.
I heave a sigh of relief and goes back to bed.
Two minutes later, I am woken up by the very familiar sound of Ace baby crying.
I repeat the process... I started to walk around and I started singing songs to him. Once and again..
If I stop walking, he cries...
If I stop singing, he cries...
If I stop rocking, he cries...
He finally sleeps after 15 minutes onli to wake 2 minutes after I put him back in his bed. The process repeats itself a good 5 times.
I told him that he is a good boy who cares for mummy and that mummy is really tired and would appreciated if he went back to sleep. Nope, that didn't work. He doesnt care a hoot about his mummy.. just his milk.
I then tried to appeal to his sympathy and empahty by asking him how would he feel if he were me. I described how the situation is making me feel and for extra measure, I tried to appeal to his fillial peity towards Daddy and asked him to sleep so that Daddy can have a good rest.
"Darn, who cares about your rest. I just want my milk!" he must be thinking cos it didnt quite improve the situation.
By that time, I was almost tearing hair out of my head. It didnt help that I had already been sleep deprived while training him to sleep without milk for the past few days. I was almost going insane and it is then when I started thinking funny ideas to amuse myself... After much contemplation, I decided that I probably could:
1) throw ace into the dustbin
2) wrap him up and keep him inside the cupboard
3) just throw him at Daddy, pack up and run away from home.. far far away from wailing babies
Anyway, I was starting to lose my patience. I decided to use a different strategy. I let him cry a while and let him play a while so that I could use up his energy and then when he seemed a little more sleepy, I told him, "Mummy is going to rock you one last time. If you don't sleep or stay asleep, I will leave you here and just go back to bed.. and I will ignore you..."
Finally... VICTORY at 5.30am. How did I know that I had won the battle? Well, he went all soft and wouldnt wake no matter how I nudged him or moved his limbs.
I put him back in his crib and dragged my tired torso back to bed. So angry at this baby. My mum and grandma keeps telling me tat Ace is a very good baby as compared to most children. I really pity the parents of children who are considered 'bad' babies...
Well, the enemy was good i tell you.... all he needed to do was to smile at me the next morning and all the anger melted away and is replaced with love...