Friday, July 24, 2009

About Death

On the same night where I gave Ace a talk about the word "fuck", he threw me another 'challenge' when we were about to get to sleep.

Just as we were about to sleep, Ace suddenly asked me this question. "Mama, is it that if I live very long and then papa and mama will die?"

I asked him where he heard that from and he said teacher told him so. So I told him that that was true and explained to him that it happens because the normal expectancy of a human being is 150 years. But because we are all exposed to pollution, stress and having an unhealthy diet, people usually die when they are 80 or 90 years old. And every day as Ace gets one year older, papa and mama get one year older too.

"For example, Ace is 4 years old now. And Mummy is 32 years old this year. When you are 20 years old, Mummy will be 38 years old already... and when you are 40, I will be 68... and then one day, I will die.."

"So mama, when people die, why they say bye bye?"

So I told himn that everyone made a promise before they came into this earth to achieve something. When they have finished what they are here to do, they will leave this earth and go to a far far away place and say goodbye to the things and people here.


Well, I guess he really would not understand even if I told him about my belief in oneness, in going into a KU.... so I just told him that when he got older and understood more things, I will then have this talk again with him and I will explain more to him.

But I guess, to be fair, I do not know where i will be for sure when I die. But what I do know though is that based on my belief, I don't fear death so much... since I believe I will just go back to somewhere where I belong to anyway. ;)

And like Shin, I think, I guess I shall also like Ace to have the opportunity to search and find his own belief about death...

Previous Post: Fucking Bananas

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