Sunday, April 30, 2006
Saturday, April 29, 2006
Bathtime Ace
PS: I am slowly training to bath while standing... When I DO succeed, i will have an extra free hand and will be able to take pictures to show you.. muahahaha..keep ur fingers crossed!
Friday, April 28, 2006
Vampire Ace
My son is a vampire....
He bit me and sucked blood out of me.....
But no, I am not afraid of sunlight still.....
It's just tat he bit me that day while he was drinking milk... and I think he fell asleep and din realize tat he was putting his teeth together...
He hasnt bitten me in a long while and thought he wouldnt do it already.. but i guess tat day he just kind of lost control over his own actions..
Initially, I just felt a sharp pain.. but after tat I felt the wound throbbing with intense pain and instinctively knew that I was bleeding. When I went home to check, true enough, I was bleeding...
My own son almost bit a bit of my very tender flesh off me...
It has been 3 days but I am still in pain and every time I bath and change my bra and bra pads, I still see blood stain on it...
Despite that, still have to feed him these few days... it aint really painful when he feeds but it does feel quite sore.. and it doesnt help that he sucks real hard. :S
Strange how I never blame him or never got angry with him over that. If anyone else did that, I would have bit that person back.. HARD! Hiaks :)
Well, I think Daddy is his next target... whenever Daddy plays with him.. he will look at Daddy's chest with longing.. hahahha ;) Daddy, dun say I never warn you ok!
Thursday, April 27, 2006
Fun At Botanic Gardens
PS: Something very strange happened... while we were there.. there was a bunch of people from overseas (ahem, I shall refrain from mentioning their nationality...)
Well, the BOTANIC GARDENS is where you see BOTANY right? Botanic Gardens is not called "植物园" for nothing lor.. but these ground of strange people seem to think tat it is the Singapore Zoo.. showcasing babies...
They stood from afar, commented on how cute Ace is and tried to zoom in with their cameras to take his pics.. then, they saw a group of ang moh children nearby and took turns to pose with them.. just like we go to the Zoo to post with Ah Meng! Hahaha...
Maybe they dun understand the meaning of "植物"... hahahha ;) Or they read the sign wrongly and think they are in 动物园...hahaha
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Can eat in my sleep?
It was already dinner time and Laoma was trying to feed Ace...
"Better quickly feed him ah.. he looks tired.. if not, I think he will sleep already..." she said as she fed him the first spoonful...
She turned to me, said something to me and turned back and this is what we saw...
Wah lau.. my son is GOOD man... one minute he is awake.. next second, he is soundly asleep liao.. hahahaha.. shake him also dun wanna wake up..
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Bad Fengshui in Waipo's House
For some unknown reason, Ace always falls and knocks on his head when he is in that area. We call it the accident prone area and thus always move him away from that area whenever possible.
The first time we noticed that area is when Ace fell and knock on his head 3 times in a row within 3 hours...
The first time he knocked his head on the floor.. he din really cry....
The second time, he cried and cried and we realized that his eyes were kind of swollen.. i think the edge of his sockets hit on Daddy's feet cos Daddy was trying to break his fall.. and thus we quickly put VP on his swelling.. and it went down (VP is very good for that!!)
And then it happened again a third time and we decided to be extra careful around that spot ;)
But maybe focus equals reality.. hahaha.. cos a few days later when we went to waipo's house.. he almost fell again.. TWICE.. at the same spot! :)
Is that spot jinxed or wat...
PS: Ace is 10 MONTHS TODAY! Happy 10 MTHS, ACE!
Monday, April 24, 2006
Bye Bye
Ace can wave Bye Bye.. FINALLY...
But he seems to like to do it onli for Lao Ma. Whenver I try to ask him to do that for Daddy, Ah Yee, Waipo, etc.. or even for me.. he will think and think and think.. and usually onli do it by the time the person is gone...
But he likes to say BYE BYE to Lao Ma.. he does it when she goes home.. and does it when he sees her when I bring him over to mummy's house.. hahahaha ;)
I am waiting to see when he will learn to blow kisses though.. ;)
Sunday, April 23, 2006
If U R Happy N U Know It Clap Ur Hands!
If you are happy and you know it clap your hands, *Clap clap*
If you are happy and you know it clap your hands, *Clap clap*
If you are happy and you know it then your face will surely show it. If you are happy and you know it clap your hands, *Clap clap*
That's one of my favourite songs when I was a kid. I came across this song again when I was watching I Can Read VCD with Ace. As I sang along, all the memories of me singing and doing all the actions (clap, stamp your feet, say HOORAY!) came back to me and it just made me very happy. Especially the part about you saying "Hooray" and doing a star jump at the same time..
I think I am the happiest when I am singing in school.. hee ;)
Initially, Ace din react much to this song. But after being exposed to it for about a month, he is starting to clap along too ;)
In fact, Ace claps now whenever he is happy and other than that, he will also hold my hands to clap my hands (I suspect cos my hands clapping makes a louder sound)...
My Grandma was clapping for him and when he clapped, she got so excited. "See, I taught him to clap! I taught him to clap!" she said. I had no wish to break her heart and told her that both she and Ace are very clever ;)
They are, arent they? ;)
I have also noticed that Ace tends to clap whenever he thinks he is happy.. or he knows that he has been clever... sometimes he even claps when he is very afraid or very upset.... yes.. he claps when he cries...
I asked my mum about it.. she says it could be because this is the only way he can express himself.. that is why he does that..
Anywayz, I am happy to announce tat when Ace was watching Your Baby Can Read.. he managed to clap when the word "CLAP" came on.. and he also managed to wave when the word "WAVE" came on.. and he did it before the VCD asked him to clap.. so clever right?
Saturday, April 22, 2006
Will Work For Milk!
I, Ace Chua, will do anything... yes.. just about anything, for milk or food...
I will stand up if mummy asks me to...
I will say "MILK" if she insists....
I will even make the the sign for 'milk' and 'food' when she asks me to...
I will also say "MORE" because she says I have to say tat if I want her to feed me more...
Just as long as she feeds me milk/food..
As proof of my desire for milk, I stood up and sat down 10 times just to get a bite of carrot. I said MORE 9 times just so she would feed me.
I will wake at night and fight for my right to drink milk. I will climb mountains and BEDS TOO so that I can get closer to the source....
I will push my head against her breasts whenever I want milk or food and I will not stop until I get it.
Ace Chua
Friday, April 21, 2006
Like Dat Also Can!
That's a singlish phrase by the way.. it comes from the chinese phrase "这样也可以"... Loosely translate to english, it means something along the lines of "it is incredible that this person is doing this!"
Take a look at this picture.. yeap, tat's my boy waking to ask for milk and falling asleep before he got it. Have you seen babies sleeping like these??? Like tat also can.. sigh...
Well, you must have already known about the 'wars' we had with Ace in order to break his night feed habit.
I think me and Daddy kind of raise our white flags liao.
I really do not understand why Ace is like this. Other babies only need 4 days of training and they will stop wanting to feed at night. Ace will not stop crying and will not sleep until he gets his milk and he never seems to get tired.. he just tries and tries and tries...
While I agree that people who are persistence will certainly succeed... I really wish he were not so persistence in this particular case.. Me and Daddy have taken to taken turns to 'akido' with him at night but he just doesnt stop.. and it has been two weeks already!?
How to fight? He takes afternoon naps, evening naps and does nothing but drink, eat and play.. and we have to do housework, run biz, go to work etc...
I dunno if it is cos he is very tall and huge for his age that he keeps getting hungry. I already feed him a very HUGE bottle of milk every nite at 12 plus liao leh... and I do give him a feeding at 5-6am cos my mum says I shouldnt skip tat feeding... But he just cannot seem to wait till 5am.. and would keep waking at 3.30 to fight the war till I give in at 4.45 or 5am...
The worst thing is.. after tat.. cos he has been awake so long, he will usually play and talk loudly in his playpen for another 30-60min before he sleeps.. During this time, he will talk to himself.. talk to lighting, talk to the fan.. and this means I get to sleep like 2 hrs, wake to 'fight war" for another 2 hours and sleep 3-4 hours. Can die I tell you... I wouldnt still be alive if I were not taking Indinine...
The other day, I dreamt that he wanted milk and so I fed him.. and then I suddenly realize that I am not dreaming but am really feeding him. After a short feed.. he slept peacefully till 9am in the morning.
This really makes me wonder if it is better that I just feed him when he wants it or is it better to continue to fight the war with him.
"Why take it so hard?" Daddy ask me... "Just feed and we both have a better night's sleep..." he says...
But if I give in now.. feels like all my effort go down the drain.... BUT IT IS SO MUCH EASIER TO FEED HIM! I dun even have to wake cos nowadays he will wake and climb up to my bed and I just need to use sub concious mind to undo my bra and he will do the rest!
Arghh... Ace, why cant you just sleep through the night???????
(PS: See.. like that he also can sleep..hahhaa)
Thursday, April 20, 2006
Look Ma! No Hands!
Ace can STAND!
Yeap... he can stand with a little help... he is starting to stand without help as well....
Sigh.. this means he is getting access to alot of places I dun want him to access. My poor butsudan... he will climb there and try to touch my candles and bell.. so luckly the table has quite a long width so i can push everything inwards..
The other day, he managed to stand on his own for about 10 seconds before sitting down... so I got him to stand again to pose for this picture ;)
In addition, he has also started to say:
- Mama : when he wants my attention
- Mum mum: when he wants milk
- Milk: when I force him to say it before giving him milk
- Ba ba: when he wants me to carry him
- byee byee: when he waves his hands bye bye..
Daddy complained that he never had a chance to hear him say all these.. but that's cos Daddy dun have a chance to sit at home to play with Ace all day... he dun always say those words.. he usually onli does it when he is in a good mood or when it involves food ;)
Ah Yee is trying hard to teach him to say, "Yeee" hahahaa... i think it will be quite a while before he can do that though.. ;)
Toro! Toro! Michael Crichton
For further reading on this subject, I suggest:
"Reconstructing Climate and Environmental Changes of the Last 1,000 years," at:, by Willie Soon and Sallie Baliunas.
"Gobal Warming, a Guide to the Science," at:
----- Original Message -----
From: Verity
Sent: Tuesday, April 04, 2006 9:41 PM
Subject: Toro! Toro! Michael Crichton
Dear Dr Miller,
My name is Angel and I come from Singapore. I was surfing through the net when I came across your article, Toro! Toro! Michael Crichton...
Maybe it is pure coincidence... or perhaps we have wat we chinese call 'fate' hahaha.. about a week ago, I borrowed the book State Of Fear from the library as I am a MIchael Crichton fan like my husband ;)
After reading the book, I started to wonder if all the 'fiction' is really true because the data that is being pulled out in the book are from real sources. I had wanted to find out more but didnt seem to find much information when I typed 'global warming' into the internet...
I am no doctor (I run a biz and studied in Jap studies and Economics ;) but I do truly care about our environment and would like to find out what exactly is happening. I have a 9 month old son.. i want to figure this out right so that I know what is the right thing to teach him.... (You can read about him at
Actually, all the things described in State of Fear sounds really plausible to me. I would not be surprised if they happened in the real world...
Do you have any references you could forward to me for reading up?
I thank you for taking the time to reply this email. Do have a very nice day!
PS: Your picture looks good! :P
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
Daddy says it is quite messy and suggested that I ask Nainai to cut for him.
But even though it is long, it is fine and sparse.. so I really dunno where Nainai can cut lor.. I think we shall leave it as it is...
Anywayz, I found out that whenever Ace's hair is wet (which happens often cos he sweats alot.. he gets all sweaty when he:
- climbs and crawls all over the place
- drinks milks
So the other day, I decided to style his hair into a punk hair style..
Swee boh??:P hahahaha...
But leh.. i draw a line at doing strange things like letting him grow a little 'tail'... Yeye suggested doing that cos he says it is cute.. but I dunno leh.. I always associate tat with being very ah beng.. hahaha.. last time I always think tat the parents who let their children do tat are very strange. If i allow Ace to do tat.. wouldnt I be strange too???:P What do you think?
Repeat After Me
The other day, I was playing with him.. and then I used the soft toy to tickle him and say, "Hello..." and he replied with a sound tat sounds veri much like Hello... and when I tried to say it to him again.. he just smiled...
And then just now, he was crying loud for his milk.. I wanted him to learn the hand sign for milk and do it... and so I said.."Milk..." while doing the sign... and then I told him, "Mummy give you your milk if you say MILK like mummy..."
Instead of doing the sign, he said, "MILK" VERY CLEARLY... shit.. Daddy was right.. tat is like the first word he said clearly.... though he also says Mama and Papa.. he says it in the form of gibberish without any real meaning in them...
Do you think I can teach Ace how to say, "I LOVE YOU?" I will melt if he says that man...
Monday, April 17, 2006
Happy Birthday Waipo!
Dunno why...
Waigong birthday also look like Ace birthday... Waipo birthday also look like Ace birthday.. Yeye birthday also like tat.. Ah Ma birthday also like tat.. hahaha
ANywayz, Waipo.... HAPPY BIRTHDAY... I love you.... now tat I am mummy.. I know tat being Mummy is really tough.. i really admire the way you take care of us and never seem to feel or look tired... I love you!!! *HUGZ*
I want to teach Ace to save the world
I have always been slightly eco-concious... not VERY MUCH SO... but I:
- refused to take flyers because i believe in save the earth
- use bio-degradable stuff if I can
- carrry my own shopping bags and refuse plastic bags whenever I can
- am vegeterian cos dun wanna kill so many pigs, chickens and cows
And one of the issues that struck me most is that of global warming. I still remember many years ago.. I was sitting at home with my mum and sis and watching TV.. and then there was this piece of news on TV tat says that because of the OZONE layer, thre is global warming and the ice bergs in the north and south poles are melting.. and so water levels are going up and at this rate, the earth will totally be submerged in water in 200 years time....
"My god!" I tot to myself when I heard it.. cos that means everyone is certain to DIE together! My mum says, "Nevermind lah.. everyone will die together and a new 'earth' will be born somewhere... things are always in a cycle..." cos she is buddhist...
"Anyway, you wouldnt be around 200 years later.." she added...
But my next generation will.. my grandchildren.. my great grandchildren..they may see the end of the world!
And thus began the start of my eco-conciousness...
I was quite sure that I will teach my son everything that I heard in the news that many years ago... but recently, I read something that may change my mind...
I went to the library and read the book, State of Fear by Michael Crichton.. it's a ficticious story aout gurella ecowarfare.... (You can read more about the book review and storyline here)
Simply put, it speaks of how global warming is just an issue tat pple raise to make more money or to attain some political or selfish agenda... made me really wonder if all i believed were true... so i wrote to Dr Miller (the person who wrote the article in the above link) so that I can find out...
I want to find out the truth.. make a decision on where I stand and then educate Ace on there. But irregardless of whether global warming is an issue.. one thing is for sure.. ace will do his part for the environment by going vegeterian like ME and Daddy! :)
Sunday, April 16, 2006
Lao Gai Ace
'Lao Gai'. That's a Cantonese phrase tat means 'throwing a tantrum'.
And Ace is starting to learn to throw tantrums for attention... and it is really trying on our patience... I seriously think it is time me and Daddy put our heads together to discuss some common strategies when it comes to him cos once he throws tantrums, it is very tough to manage it if we are coming from diff points of views....
The other day, I was due to go to Suntec to give a talk and I was suppose to reach there at 7.30pm... so I started to feed Ace early at around 5.30pm or so....
He had previously been happily sitting in his high chair and watching his favourite "I Can Read" VCD...
Daddy came home and we talked and I think because he was being ignored, he started to cry...
Daddy played with him for a while and I then prepared his dinner for him.
When i came back to feed him, he just refused to be fed and made a huge fuss. Because I was running out of time, I just continued to fed him anyway... and Daddy said, "Hiya, dun feed him first lah.. you should settle why he is crying mah..."
But I wanted to try and feed him cos sometimes he becomes quiet after he is fed.....but he continued to cry when I did so and so I stopped feeding him.. but he still cried.. n wouldnt tell us what it was that he wanted...
I tried to carry him but he wouldnt stop.. i put him back in the high chair and fed him and he opened his mouth wide to CRY and just let the porridge fall out from his mouth! He simply refused to eat!
That night, he really did not have any dinner but it did not seem to bother him at all.. up till today, i still dun understand wat happened...sigh...
Then yesterday, we went to a restaurant for dinner..when the waitress came to smile at him.. he stared and stared and stared at the waitress for 10 seconds... and his eyes did not even blink.. and all of a sudden... his mouth went into n M shape... and then tears started flowing out and later, the sounds of crying followed.. also dun understand what made him cry... he is usually not afraid of strangers.... the onli theory I can have is that he can probably sense it when a person's heart is not happy or good and will dislike these people...
And then later we went to the hub and Jez Ah Ma was carrying him and we were chatting.. and all of a sudden.. when Jez said, Wah..." his mouth went into n M shape... and then tears started flowing out and later, the sounds of crying followed.. also dun understand what made him cry... the other day when I carried him and dashed towards daddy and asked him to "Rahhh.." at Daddy.. he also did the same stunt.. Daddy said I scared him... but i was not very loud mah.. maybe he has some negative connotation towards words tat sounds like Rah or Wah... I wonder why....
Saturday, April 15, 2006
Ace Learns To Eat
Nowadays, I make a little bit of cereal as breakfast for him and then get him to eat it..
The first time I tried.. he just dipped is finger in the moment he saw the food....
I told him, "NO! You must use the spoon..." and put the spoon in his hands.. and then I use my hands to guide him to feed himself...
"Now you try..." I told him..
He took the spoon.. scooped some cereal and wave the spoon in the air!
Day two was not very much successful either... he just likes to be HANDS ON when it comes to food... well, shall report to you guys when he finally manages to pick up this skill :)
Friday, April 14, 2006
Chill! Hot!
Read on if you want to find out...
Well, it was a great day.. a day worth celebrationg becuase Ah Yee had finished her detox finally and we brought her out to dinner to celebrate...
Because we did not want to over exert her digestive system.. we brought her to Lao Di Fang for the MUSHROOM HOT POT.
Since Ace is but a 9 month old baby, we fed him with some food that Grandpa had made for him earlier before we left the house. But alas, Grandpa did not make much food that day so I think he was a little hungry because of that.
When we reached there and starrted eating, Ace was rather happy to just play with the soup spoon... and then I think he got hungry and started to make noise for some food.. so I picked out some toufu to feed him..
He started to make more and more noise becuase my toufu was not going to him fast enough.. and when the toufu were all gone, he started to cry.. and so we asked him to be quiet.. but he just wouldn't listen...
In the end, Daddy used the chopstick and dabbed it with some chilli and asked him, "No more already.. you want us to feed you chilli?"
Silly Ace did not know wat he was in for.. i guess he really didnt know what chilli meant and so he opened his mouth to lick it!
"It's ok lah... this chilli is not hot at all..." says Daddy confidently... he is a chilli lover and has ever won a competition for drinking tobasco sauce... he seems to think tat his son will follow his ways.. hahaha..
1 second went pass...
2 seconds...
3 seconds....
Ace cruched up his right fist! Hit it against his left palm and brought both hands near his mouth and he began howling and crying!
Well, I think babies have very sensitive tastebuds.. so our not hot is actually quite hot for them.. and Ace wouldnt stop crying...
We tried to feed him water but he didnt want it... but after daddy carried him for a while, he was ok liaos... hahahah...
Let's hope he wun be afraid if chilli because of this ;)
Thursday, April 13, 2006
Love Bite
Well, Ace asked for a love bite from me that day... so I guess he must want me to love him.. hiaks ;)
I was on the phone with Pus that day (yeah.. after talking on the blogs for so long.. we finally graduate to talking over the phone.. hahaha) and Ace just woke up and so he was happily climbing all over me... he would stand up and pounce towards me.. stand up and pounce towards me.. and then smile...
One time.. he pounced towards me and my mouth was open and he hit his forehead on my two front teeth...
It seemed that he did not feel any pain cos he continued to behave as if he were a bull in a spanish bull ring....
But alas when I checked, i realized tat my teeth actually made a mark on his forehead and scraped out a little bit of skin... ooops....
Hey baobei.. please dun do this stunt again okie.. pains mummy's heart.. I dun need to give you a love bite to love you okie?:P
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
Yes I know.. people die in the world everyday.. every second...
Well, at least... someone close to someone I know died and it is a tragic accident.. young chap is only in his mid twenties... case of 'white hair person send the black hair person'...
Looking at news like tat... I started to wonder...
- How would I feel if Ace died before I did?
- Would Ace be sad if I died?
I always felt that it would be sad for parents to lose their children... i remember my mum telling me about her member whose son died because he choked on something.. the son was 10 years old I think and I remember thinking to myself, "Gosh.. so sad.. the parents lavish 10 years of love on the son and in the end, he died... must feel very sad manz..."
But now having become a parent myself do I really understand how a parent must feel... the pain and anguish I imagine.. would prob be like 10 times or 100 times more painful than I imagined before I became a mummy myself...
Daddy says the deceased I was talking about probably did not manage to escape death from a sinking ship because he tried to save his other half.... he says tat in the Navy.. rule number one when you meet emergencies is tat your own safety always comes first.. he says if you try to help another person... both of them might not make it alive..
I made Daddy promise me that if one day.. while we go cruising on ships and the ship sinks, he must get away while he can cos he is more physically fit and can swim... cos "If Ace dun have mummy.. at least must have Daddy.." And Daddy "CHEY!" me....
But I am very serious leh.. cos I feel that no one knows wat will happen tommorow and it is indeed our dream to one day go on:
- cruise to alaska (Carribeane cruise)
- cruise on the most luxurious cruise ship in the world... (Seven Seas Cruise)
Anywayz, I was watching TV last nite and it was a show about this grandma and grand daughter who xiang yi wei ming... and the grandma in the end died of cancer.. on her death bed then her grand daughter knew that she was ill and so she was very sad...
I take good care of my health so I dun think I will get cancer lah.. CHEY! But leh.. I asked myself.. if one day I knew I was going to die soon.. will I tell my loved ones? After watching so many shows where the pple selfishly never tell their family n loved ones.. I think I will...
I wun tell them too soon so tat they dun have to worry too much but I will tell them to show that they are impt to me and give them a chance to like spend the last days with me.. and know it.. cos i feel that if I am the loved one.. I will forever be upset at the dying person cos he/she never tell me.. why never tell me when I love you so much?????
I suspect though.. tat Daddy is the type who will keep quiet...
Anywayz, Ace... if you are reading this after I am dead and gone.. I love you ;) And will always love you....
And Daddy.. i love you too! :)
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
Daddy Anything Can Eat
My friend's son is perpetually coughing.
That's cause her eldest daughter who is like 8 or 9 years old this year keeps feeding her brother ICE MILO... SWEETS.. and all sorts of stuff.. such tat he refused to eat anything but junk food.
He is one mth older than Ace but is onli 7kg when Ace is already 11kg!!!
Luckily after I explained to my friend about VPlus, she decided to let her son take it too and now he at least has some nutrients and is willing to eat more healthy food...
Well, the little 9 year old kid probably didnt know wat babies can or cannot eat...
Sometimes, Daddy is like tat too.. hahahaa... it seems to him tat since Ace can eat now.. he can eat anything...
He has so far fed Ace: Tea, Chilli, Fried Toufu, Cucumber (Okay.. i fed Ace cucumber first cos we were at Genki sushi happily eating and Ace looked so ke lian with nothing to eat so i fed him the raw cucumber from my sushi...), Tang Hoon....
Hahaha... Well, erm.. actually *guilty look* I sometimes also feed Ace funny things at my own discretion.. eg... Long Zhu Guo (so funny to see black polka dots in his shit), Carrot slice from my bee hoon, snow peas, black fungus, raisin, cashew nuts, pumpkin
Well, we draw a line at Mac Donald Fries though.. hahaha.. tat day YEYE dreamt of Ace and dreamt tat Ace said to him, "Yeye, I want to eat fries.. " and so he went to buy fries for Ace.. heng me, Daddy and Nai Nai have good sense to say NO unnanimously.. so the fries ended up in our stomach.. hahaha ;)
Monday, April 10, 2006
The Adventures of Indiana Ace
Sunday, April 09, 2006
Teeth Report
Well, Ace has got two front teeth on his top gums and two at the bottom.. here's a cute pic of him showing off his teeth!
I think my son has got very big teeth! Hahaha.. but there is a gaping hole between the two top ones.. let's hope it will close itself when they are fully out.. if not, he will look very erm.. 'cute'.. hahaha
Saturday, April 08, 2006
Alamak! Ace's NEW favourite game is to say ALAMAK! :) hahahaha....
It all started with that day when he was upset and making lots of noise.. so I played with him... I dunno wat came over me and I just put my hands over my forehead and said, "Alamak!" in a high pitched voice.. Ace luffed...
Then I used his hand to slap it over my forehead and said, "alamak!" and he luffed somemore and gradually, it became a game...
Daddy says I should encourage him to say something more positive... so I changed to saying, "I am the best!"
However, he seems more reactive to Alamak.. hahahaha.. maybe it is the sound of the word :)
Anywayz, I am running out of way to entertain him.. should you have any new suggestions.. pls post a note :)
Friday, April 07, 2006
Mi Li Ye
That's the name of one of my favourite Chinese drama serials when I was younger. Loosely transltated, it means 'mysterious night'....
These few nights have been tough because Ace is having running nose and coughing a little (something tat happens everytime he is growing teeth.. his two top teeth are growing..) Whenever this happens, Ace will tend to wake up in the middle of the night and want me to either feed him milk or to carry him and rock him back to sleep.
Well, the other night, something really mysterious happened... I woke up at 5.30am when Ace started to whimper for milk.. and then realized that he is sleeping between me and Max. I have no recollection of carrying him from his cot.. and when I asked Daddy, neither has he... it was as if Ace just appeared there all of a sudden.. maybe we were too tired and in our sub concious mind.. tat was the fastest way to get Ace to keep queit...
And then.. two nights ago, I was having a dream.... in my dream.. someone was carrying Ace and that someone put Ace down on my legs. And then I started to wonder why I really feel something on my legs even though i know I am dreaming.
I opened my eyes and true enough! Ace was lying between my legs with his leg resting on my calf... he was fast asleep...
wat shocked me was that he was actually at the edge of the bed... should i have kicked him or should he have moved, he would have dropped onto the floor! Gee, I also dun remember how he got there..
Anywayz, have asked Daddy to put up the fencing between our bed and Ace's bed for good.. cos Ace can now climb up the sofa or up to our bed faster than you can say the word, "UP" cos he can raise his legs up real high now...
Have a feeling my 'nightmare' of running after Ace is about to start soon...
Thursday, April 06, 2006
Ace Chua, Paper Eater
He has just added to his long list of 'allocades' as a PAPER EATER.
This very silly baby actually saw my bookmark, fell in love with it and held on to it and refused to let go. Since Waigong was playing with him, I just let him play with it lah. Anyway it is not a very nice one mah...
But leh, Waigong also very eh sai.. let him just hold it, tear it... and then ask me.. "What is he chewing huh? Is he chewing something??"
I took the bookmark away from Ace.. tried to piece it together and realised that my very 'CLEVER" son actually tear the bookmark into 3 pieces.. and the smaller third piece is probably in his mouth!!!
I opened his mouth, put my fingers in and tried to dig out the piece of paper and he BIT ME!
Then I tried again and he BIT me AGAIN! And then he quickly swallowed the dam piece of paper!
Well, heng it is just paper...
Then I scolded him and he ignored me...
After Waigong left, I scolded him and beat his hand and told him that he should not eat paper and that papers are not for eating... he just continued to smile at me!
I hit him real hard leh.. got the "smack smack" sound and hit him liao my hand (and MY HEART) also pain.. but all he did was to grin at me...
And then he continued to play with his toys...
Monday, April 03, 2006
Do You Want Mummy To Go To Work?
Yesterday, an old friend of mine called up to tell me that they are looking for editors for Mediacorp Publishing's website.
"You are the first person I tot of..." he said.
Well, I used to work in Mediacorp and am familiar somewhat with the people there and I am familiar with the internet cos I was working as a writer for the website for about two years....
After I put down the phone, I started thinking about whether I should get back to work...
Just before I got pregnant with Ace, I had wanted to find a job... I tot it would be a good way to get in touch with some new people and build a new network of friends... and then I got pregnant...
Yes yes.. i run my own biz and have my own cafe :) Extra income will be nice though.... cos the company I am working with will be going listed early next year... have to earn and keep as much hard cash as i can...dun ai wan.. wait offered the stocks but no $$ to buy ALL tat is offered...
Anywayz, it got me thinking about whether to go back to work... and then I turned to Ace and asked him, "Ace, mummy go to work ok? If I go to work, I will not be able to play with you, teach you things, sing to you and carry you already.. do you want me to go back to work?"
And Ace shook his head.
I tot I was lucky and so I asked him again.. "Baobei, do you want mummy to go and work?"
And miracles of miracles, he started doing the hand sign for NO that I have been teaching him for the past few weeks!
After that, whenever I asked him about working.. he would look sad...
Anywayz, when I think of the fact that I have to be away from him for many hours a day, it makes me feel like I really cannot bear to do tat to him... so today, I have been spending my whole day playing with him... I think he hasnt had tat much attention from me in a long time.. hahahha ;)
Well, I havent quite decided yet.. we will see how it goes.. i kind of sent in my resume for some time liao.. no reply.. maybe the company has other plans.. well, i think the tot if tat made me cherish him a little more and made me realize how much I love spending time with Ace ;)
Sunday, April 02, 2006
You Can't See Me!
Well, simply put, it is the old fashioned peek-a-boo...
You use a towel to cover yourself.. and then you put it just high enough to cover his eyes.. and then you sing to him, "You can't see me.. you can't see me..."
And then Ace will use his hands to pull the tower down... and then you say to him, "Wah! You can see me already.. you clever baby!"
And then he will giggle... ;)
Speaking of this.. I think Ace is a strange baby.. hahaha.. while other children at this age usually have seperation anxiety and cry when their parents are leaving them, whenever i leave Ace at my mum's place and try to say goodbye to him before I leave, he will look elsewhere...
I move left, he looks right.. i move right, he looks left... and then after I leave, then he will start to search for me.. hahahaha...
But I am glad there are no crying fits lah... at least it leaves me with some time alone with myself and I am more sane when I have time alone with myself...