Friday, July 28, 2017

Terrarium Workshop

 Working in a big office can be fun... there is always lots of fun things to do..

My office has this thing called the Women Resource Network where they organize talks and workshops for women...  Turns out there is a terrarium workshop and so I signed up for it.. because I have been wanting to learn for some time already...

 Our teacher...

 We each given some soil, some plants and a decorative piece.. mine was a swan.. perhaps to remind me to stay graceful even in the most difficult times.... Recently I have had people come to me and asked me to stop acting like a clown because I should be graceful woman of beauty:) hahahha

 Even comes with CARE instructions..


Decided to leave it in office since it does not require any care... when I feel tired, I take a look at them and I feel happy!:)

Ace is very envious of me.. he says my office is so fun!

Previous Post: Blue Sky

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