Tuesday, January 01, 2019

My 2018

My year in one picture...

What a year... I have moved on from long hair to short hair and even shorter hair... 🤣 

I have moved house, moved office and moved on in life to a brand new chapter. 

I have learnt lots this year... I learnt how to be better at my job, I learnt how to have fun! I have learnt how to really let go.. I have learnt how to be accountable for my happiness and my life. I have learnt that I don't have to be in sacrifice to show people that I love them. I learnt how to love and be loved... 

I have learnt how to forgive myself and forgive others.. I learnt how to become a better me.. I learnt how to live and be happy alone... I learnt to stand up for myself and to love myself more. 

Very thankful to the brothers and sisters for their love, support, encouragement, blessings, listening ears, tea, meals and beer... Without you, this year would have been dreary and difficult. 

I am blessed indeed that in the most difficult moments, there was always someone checking in or someone offering their helping hand. 

Thank you to the people who came into my life this year to bring me lessons and reminders. Thank you for peacefully leaving when the lessons are learnt. Also super thankful to my family.. Especially dad and mum for silently standing by me all this while n showering me and Ace with all your love, care and concern. Thank you for always being understanding, for being there whenever I need help. 

Thank you 2018 for making me a better person.. Here's to a better 2019! ✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️😀😀😀😀😀

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